Chapter eight

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Tessa's POV

Well that was kinda a crappy first impression but y'know, stay out of my fucking personal information.

Today I'm going to breakfast with Kate and her kinda dad ig Jack. We've been texting snd getting really close, I've told her more about my life then I've told everyone- she told me all about her pizza dog Lucky and how Clint helped her with her mom hiring an assassin.

"Hey Tess!" Kate hugged me and so did Jack. "How was the meet and greet of reporters" she asked "well- almost murdered one of them but ya it was good" I chuckled and Jack smiled.

We talked for a little bit before our food came "have you and Sabrina made ends meet?" Kate asked me. I told her about the drama in our friend group.

"Uh- well... we haven't talked to each other in a few days and she's still all clingy to pietro" I sighed "claim your man Girl" Kate said before laughing.

"Anyways, Jack how has work been?" I asked him a few minutes later "it's been good, no deaths" he snickered while me and Kate laughed.

I offered to pay the bill- all three of us had a big argument over it, I soon won by threatening to freeze both of them into ice.


A few days later I was in my room reading a book, I could hear laughing and giggling. I knew it was Sabrina, Pietro, and some others.

I soon got annoyed of it, I closed my book and sighed. I put on some bike shorts and a tank top for a jog.

I went out of the compound and saw some shield agents doing laps, they smiled and I smiled back before going onto the woods trail.

I was listening to a playlist on Spotify and trying to block out everything that's been happening recently.

The only people I need in my life right now is Wanda and Kate.

I went down another trail that I didn't know of, I was curious of where it led.

About 200 meters later I tripped over a root that I didn't see, I scraped my knee and hand. I stood back up and wiped the blood and rubble away, I got some blood on my hands.

In my head I could see Alejo's body in the ground, dead and gone, blood coming out of his mouth and stomach. I could hear the screams of people the floor below, them screaming for help, I could hear Helicopters and gun shots.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath hoping the images would go away.

I opened my eyes and my hands were dripping with dark red blood, I gasped and shook my hands.

I felt myself hyperventilating, I looked around to see if any water was around. I saw the river stream that led to the water and jogged to it.
I scrubbed my hands hard before I felt relived that his dead blood was off of me.

After a few minutes of calming down and taking a breather I started running again.

I found out that the trail led to a private lil beach about 7 miles away from the compound.

I jogged back to the compound after taking another breather.

I went to the main common room and grabbed some water "you fall on your run, greeny?" Tony snickered "very observant" I held back an eye roll before jugging the water down.

I was going back to my room when I bumped into Pietro "oh hey Tess" he smiled and walked away. I just smiled annoyed and walked to Wanda's room.

I knocked on the door before walking in, Vision was sitting on the bed with a smile in human form while Wanda was fixing her lip gloss.

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