chapter 16

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We are now seated at Mr Vegas vacation house where we are supposed to be enjoying but instead me and Chris are trying to get Hugo and Rowan to forgive us for what we don't know.

I mean we still don't understand why you guys are mad at us chriss begins hesitantly

Yeah you even left without us i support him.

Rowan they are saying they don't know what they did can you believe that Hugo chips in sarcastically

Well if you just tell us then we would know, we were busy looking for you but all you left us with was a text,  saying you are mad at us so you will see us after the weekend chris answers

Fine, we asked you to go dinner with us and what did you guys say Rowan asks accusingly

That they are busy Hugo answers accusingly

Well.......i begins

Do you want us to tell you or not Rowan interrupts with a hard stare.

But then we arrive at the restaurant we are supposed to eat we find BOTH of you with two identical girls having fun he continues with a dead stare especially at me.

To make it worse identical,  what... you guys have so much of a similar taste that you go for identical girls, infact you are lucky i was with Rowan because i was about to kill both of you but he stopped me and us ignoring you guys over the weekend was our next best solution Hugo says with a glare at chris.

Chris begins to laugh causing all of us to stare at him.

Am sorry, but you thought we are cheating on you with the twins he asks with disbelief and amusement

And you think we are entertaining you Hugo replies with a deadpan.

Look let me explain what happened chris begins.


I was supposed to be meeting Daniel for a meeting at his company so instead of going directly to his office,  i decided to see Hugo so i head towards his office. Opening the door i peek before entering.

Hey handsome

Hey ,you didn't tell me you were coming he replies with a smile as he stops all he was doing and giving me his full attention

Why ,am i not allowed to suprise my boyfriend i reply with a smile of my own as i move towards him.

I didn't know am already your boyfriend Hugo answers with a grin.

I already said you are mine, why you don't like it i reply as i pull him even closer.

No, i love it because your mine too he says

As he kisses me, which starts out gently but soon it turns into a whole make out session so i lift him and place him on his desk as i keep kissing him and he releases a moan but am rudely interrupted by the door opening causing me to groan before i turn to see the culprit.

Standing there is Daniel with a broad smile on his face while am glaring at him.

Chris i believe you and i have a meeting  scheduled and for the love of God you guys are in the office tone it down a bit he says with his broad smile

Don't lecture me when you and your husband are always making out in the office, someone might think it's your extended bedroom i reply with a fake smile.

Turning i peck Hugo on the lips causing him to blush before pushing Daniel out with me.

You can stop glaring at me now he sing song the words

You interrupted me i reply with a glare

Just like you did mutiple times, karma is a bitch he continues with a smile.

He opens the door to his office and as we both step in he continues

You are finally accepted after being rejected mutiple of times so i get why you are happy he says teasingly

Scoffing i reply atleast i went through the all wooing procedure,  you got yours through a fake marriage and now   you are acting like the best husband of the year.

Talking about the best husband of the year, what do you say we take them out for the weekend and just so you know the journey to love is not important what matters is the results he says with a teasing smile.

There are this twins i know who own chains of hotels,resorts and restaurants, let's meet them and then we will come up with an idea i tell him

The door opens and Hugo and Rowan steps in together.

So...we were thinking that you guys could join us for dinner later Rowans says as he bites his nails.

We can't baby.........chris and i have an important work to do later Daniel says remorseful

Yes but we will try to make it up to you guys i chip in

After kissing my boyfriend on the forehead and after Daniel says goodbye to his,we schedule with the twins and meet at the restaurant and discuss on the trips but as we discuss we both receive a message that they are leaving because they are mad and they will tell us why when they are back.  Looking at each other we frown as we try calling on both their phones but we get directed to voice mail.

We then each go to look at their homes respectively and ask some of the few people from the office but their is no results.

Do you know if we did something wrong Daniel asks with a frown

No, maybe he is mad you interrupted us i say seriously......because i know i am.

If he is mad i interrupted you, he would be mad at me not you and that doesn't explain why he left with my husband he deadpan .......and get over it.

Well i can't think of a better reason, maybe your husband is being a supportive friend I say with fake seriousness

Or maybe you are a terrible kisser he answers with a smile.

Before we could continue bickering Daniel receives a call from Mr vegas saying his husband and friend are at his vacation house and have asked him not to inform him as he is mad, then proceeds to warn him to make it right.

Well i know where they are

And ....... it's your fault isn't it i reply with a smile

They decided to have that vacation before us let's go join them he answers instead

End of flashback

And that's why we are here now chriss says

I mean you should have just told told us     earlier then we wouldn't be having all this misunderstanding Hugo says with a pout.

I still think your jealousy is cute chris says as he moves to kiss his fore head.

So are we forgiven Daniel asks his husband

Just give me a kiss already, they are making me jealous he says with a pout.

Chuckling Daniel kisses Rowan on his forehead and cheeks. And the rest weekend just goes fantastic even.

Thin Blue LineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora