Game day

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    "So., He told the team that you cheated on him. With me?"

     "Yup." I popped the last consonant, licking ice cream off the spoon in my hand. "And now I'm banned from their games apparently. Well at least Wednesday's, but I'm in no rush to talk to him right now,".

     We were sitting in the Walmart parking lot enjoying our sundaes while we hung out in the truck. Chase was leaning back in his seat, looking at me with his eyebrows raised while I awkwardly sat half cross legged in the passenger seat facing him.

     "Well, that's easy, just come to my game Wednesday. Cheer for me. We're playing our rivals,"

      I dropped my spoon "Wait, you're playing the Ravens?"

      He shot me a cocky grin "Yup. I have a new vendetta against one of their guys. It'll be a good show," He took another spoonful as he waited for my response. "Look it's a win-win situation. I have a cheerleader and you watch us destroy his team. By the way? First red flag is dating someone with the same first four letters of you name. Gross,".

     "You're gross," I took a spoonful of my own, taking my time to think. "They think I'm sleeping with you,"

     "Yes. And?".

     "And they already hated you, and now they hate me,"

    "They don't deserve to have you there then,". "You're coming,"

     "I'll think about it,"

     After we got in the truck and I told him he owed me some form of ice cream, we had a quiet drive first to the MacDonald's then the back forties of the Walmart parking lot to hang out. I tried to stay angry at him, but it was hard once he started talking. He dropped the "I'm walking sex on a stick, "act and sounded like a normal person. I filled him in on the Wyatt situation as it was the reason, I had embarrassingly cried at him, and some of the Will situation, including Robin going after him. Which is when he explained to me that the comment about my friends wasn't about Cass and Ollie, it was about the twins. He had seen Robin and Will together Saturday night, but I was too drunk to notice and he didn't want me to be upset.

     "You know, you're too good for them. Never mind their personality and Dick hunting expeditions, but the first time we met, everybody there was looking at you and not them. And it pissed them off,"

     "Ha! Whatever. They were dressed to impress, I was wearing 'boyfriend approved' attire,"

      He sputtered. "What, does he help you get dressed in the morning?"

     "Basically. He didn't want me to draw too much attention. Like I could do that anyway, "I said rolling my eyes.

     And that brought us through my 'rules and regulations for dating Will Saunders' list. The more I talked, the more pissed off he looked. This was the first time I had ever really told anyone how controlling he could be, especially when it came to the way I looked.

     "Are you serious? He didn't want you dressed up to go out with him? Fuck I'd take you out in a pair of heels and a nice dress any day. Or a skirt. Or one of those-"he cut himself off when he registered the look I was giving him. "Just saying,". He shifted in his seat. "So, what happened if you didn't follow his choice for your outfit?".

     "Well, there's a few scenarios there. One: he would accuse me of cheating, then give me the silent treatment until I either changed or decided not to go. Two: accuse me of cheating, but with tears or tantrum throwing complete with the whole "You deserve better, you've probably already found it too," or three: If we had plans together, he would cancel them and thank me for ruining his night, then give me the silent treatment or demand I leave and then cry and apologize later,"

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