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Just a quick TW: this chapter contains SA


  "You're sure it was him?" My heart was pounding, moving towards full on panic mode. I thought if I unblocked him he would calm down.

    "It was him. Robin showed up first to drop this off," Olivia held up a black shirt, with two hockey sticks crossed in the front. It was the same shirt in the photo he sent me. The one Robin was wearing.

   "Jesus fucking christ. He sent me a photo of her wearing it. Throw that out, I don't want to know what's on it,". I said with disgust. There was no low the two of them wouldn't stoop to apparently so having sec in MY clothes and returning them was a real possibility.

   "He drove by at least three times before coming to the door. He said you guys were supposed to meet up to talk. He got pissed off when I told him you weren't home and I didn't know when or if you'd be back tonight,".

  "Robin said that Will really wanted you to have the sgirt back. I guess he burned everything else. She didn't bother to stay and visit,".

  What the actual fuck. Why would he start acting like this after weeks of being fine? The calling and texting was childish, but this? This was insane. I should have listened to Cass and Olivia. Showing up at my house? Driving by to see if I was there, sending Robin here with the shirt? Then it dawned on me.

   Now I was furious. Furious and scared. He wanted me upset that she was wearing my clothes in his bed, but he also wanted me to remember the topic of our conversation. Where he thre it in my face that I wouldn't let him choke me in bed anymore. Because he had gone too far and hurt me. My hand automatically went to the back of my head, right near the base of my skull. My fingers traced the small scar there, that only I could find so easily.

    "It's a threat,". I stated, my voice cracked on the last word, threatening to close my throat. " Absolutey disgusting and childish, but a threat"

    Their heads snapped to my position on the couch. They had been pacing the livingroom while we discussed things, but they were both at a standstill in front of me.

    "It's a threat, " I repeated with a sigh, trying to hide the tremor in my hands "I'm going to tell you something,". I made eye contact with both of them sternly. "and you aren't going to tell anyone. Not Callum, not Owen, not Chase. I will tell him myself,".

    Both of them grasped the serious tone in my voice, both of them sitting down on the loveseat silently, only giving me a nod to show they understood.

    So I told them. I tried not to cry as I watched their expressions go from pity, to shock, and finally to rage when they heard about the black out, and splitting my head open. I turned on the couch, lifting my hair away from the scar as much as I could. They took turns running their fingers over it. It was about two centimeters long, but easy to hide.

   "That piece of shit! You can't keep this to yourself, I'm calling Chase right now," Olivia snarled, reaching for her phone. To my surprise Cass grabbed her hand, shaking her head.

   "We can't tell him. It's not our secret to tell. But you will tell him," She levelled me with a gaze so fierce it had me avoiding her eyes.

   I nodded, a few tears spilling out.

   "Oh, honey," her tone was much softer this time

  Cass sat down beside me, wrapping her arms around me. Olivia did the same until I was tangled between them, the three of us crying together. It felt good to get this off my chest, but horrifying that he was using it to hurt me.

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