Breakfast and Netflix

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     I rolled over and stretched, inhaling the delicious scent of Chase's body wash. He was no longer in the bed, having left a few hours ago and I kind of missed the warmth. I hadn't actually cuddled with anyone in months. Will was never a huge fan of cuddling, but the last months of our relationship consisted of sleeping back-to-back and being shut down every time I tried to cuddle with him. The more time I spent with Chase, the more I realized my last relationship should have ended at least six months ago.

     I pressed my face into the pillow beside me, trying to talk myself into getting up. It also smelled fantastic. He must have been one of the rare men who actually washed their bedding regularly. With a sigh I finally decided to get up. I picked my jeans up off the floor and put them on, then raided Chase's closet for a sweater instead of throwing on my jacket. He probably wouldn't mind. I picked a plain maroon one that looked like the smallest fitting one he had and grabbed my phone before heading downstairs. It was eight thirty, so I had about an hour before the three of them got home, which gave me enough time to clean up the mess. I picked up all the empties I could find and tossed them into the recycling bin on the front step, then used a wet washcloth to wipe down the kitchen island and living room table.

     When I was finished, I pulled out my phone to text Chase, but saw a message from him, as well as Wyatt instead

     Wyatt: Thought I told you not to show up

     Me: I thought I told you to fuck off. You can't tell me where I'm allowed to be. Clearly you aren't interested in hearing my side of the story yet. Don't text me until you're done being a prick.

   I huffed, going into Chase's conversation

     You like to cuddle, don't you? It's kind of cute, even if you hold on like a koala. I'll see you when I'm done. Also Fido says hi.

   Me: I am not a koala those things have chlamydia you know. Hi fido

     I added a blowing kiss emoji at the end and pressed send.

      With there being fifteen to thirty minutes before they get home, I decided I was making breakfast. Sort of a thank you for the free drinks and a place to stay for the night. I was also horribly anxious, and being busy would definitely help with that. Since they had training today, they would probably eat enough for six. Inside the fridge I found a large carton of eggs, bacon, tomatoes, onions and mushrooms. Omelettes it is. I found bread in the cupboard beside the fridge and started by buttering it.

    Soon I was flipping omelettes in the pan, bacon mostly cooked in the oven, and starting to toast the bread. I was just getting plates out When the door opened, male voices floating through.

     "I don't know, probably still sleeping," Chases voice rang out

     "Wrong! Lola's right here you fucking Brussel sprout!" I called from the kitchen. I found it easier to joke around with him and his friends than I did with some of my own friends. There was a chorus of laughter.

     "Hey Willow, I thought-"

     "No way! She cooks? And cleans? You're marrying her". Owen came around the corner cutting Chase off and grabbing a piece of bacon.

     "Easy dude, ". I laughed, blushing "We aren't even dating yet,".

    "Yet?" Chase's hand was on my back, brown eyes staring down at me. I could feel my ears getting red. "That's adorable you know," He whispered with a wink. He got a kick out of pointing that out. Dick.

     "Move dickhead, it's food time. oops, Sorry. Willow first." Callum spoke and corrected himself in the same breath, probably due to the smack Chase delivered to his head.

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