We are not!

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     Chase and I spent the next few hours cuddling in my bed watching movies, sharing a kiss here and there. He meant it when he said he wouldn't push me and it was a relief to be able to just hang out without any expectations, no arguments. It was our own happy bubble for a few hours. I was nearly asleep with my arm slung across Chase's chest when I heard my phone ping. I read the message and groaned.

     "Looks like we need to leave. Cass and Olivia are on their way back here, but Robin will be showing up around the same time. I guess they're hanging out here tonight,".

     He stretched, sitting up. "Why don't we like her again? Besides the 'leftovers' conversation."

     " Robin is the 'friend' who went after my ex after treating me like shit for a week,".

     "Ah, right. She's jealous the guy she wanted was with you. Some friend she is. Was. I don't mean to be a dick but have you ever thought she may have been a side piece while you two were- ".

     "yup," I got up from the bed, stretching. "So we need to disappear before she gets here. Murder may very well take place if we don't,".

     "I'd bail you out," He said, chuckling. "Want to spend the night at my place? I promise I won't try to defile you again if you promise to leave my virginity intact,".

     I scoffed. ''Virginity? What ever! But yes, I'll come over,". I rolled my eyes, heading over to my dresser. I stuffed two outfits and a pair of pajamas into my bag along with my phone charger and my makeup bag. I liked having options. I grabbed my camera and laptop just in case I wanted them later before following Chase downstairs. I threw on my black winter coat and black boots, followed by my back pack. Chase carried the electronics for me, such a gentleman.

    "Guess we better get going before-" A car door slamming closed cut him short "Too late,".

     I let out a frustrated sigh and opened the door. Just as I thought, Robin was here early and parked in the driveway. I had a brief urge to lock the door behind me, but that would have been childish. She was still Cass's friend. I grabbed Chase's out stretched hand as we walked across the yard to avoid her.

      "Too good for even a hello now? Never would have thought with the company you keep."

     And there went my maturity. I stopped to stare at her. "Coming from the one with standards so low I'd have to dig a hole to find them. Not a fan of cheaters or bitches,".

     "Excuse me? The hand you're holding is dirtier than-"

     "The inside of Will's mouth? I told him to stay away from fish but he just doesn't listen,"

     Her face heated up and she took several steps toward me. " Listen here bitch-"

     "No, you fucking listen," I let go of Chase's hand, walking over until I was almost toe to toe with her. "You thought getting with Will right after we broke up wouldn't clue me into the fact that you were fucking him while he was with me?" She looked taken aback, snapping her jaw closed, but I kept going. "Then you thought your fucked up infatuation with him was a good enough reason to treat me like shit while you were moving in on him. You're so pathetic it's sad. You couldn't stand to see me happy when we were friends and it's no different now. Poor Robin, nobody wants the Ravens' puck bunny. You can't stand to see a man interested in anyone but you. Difference is you found a shitty little boy to buy you fancy trinkets and sleep with you to make you feel better about your ugly personality. I found a man who gives a fuck. I'd say try it some time but no self respecting man would get within ten feet of you. Even Callum won't get near you again. You made him want to get tested just by standing too close to him,".

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