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The next few days were a Whirl wind. On Friday, Chase and I both missed our classes for the day and I was forced to drop out of my vendors placement at the tournament since I wasn't about to walk around Campus or an arena alone and looking like this, and he wasn't letting me go out alone anyway which I was thankful for. We stopped at my house so I could change into my own clothes and pack a few more days worth. Will probably wouldn't be stupid enough to show up at my house, but I didn't want to be there if he did. I decided to give it a few days to see, then go back home. Olivia and Cass were going to be keeping an eye out for him. He wouldn't do anything to them, but the guys made it clear they would be around often to A) deter him from wanting to go in and B) kill him if he tried.

As soon as he returned from training, Chase called his mom which was less than pleasant. After a short and clipped conversation, he told me that she was not local enough to be considered right now if it needed to be done A.S.A.P since she wasn't from around here and could not guarantee her schedule if we were made a high priority. However, she did recommend some in town which was helpful. Chase wasn't kidding when he said his mom wasn't the mothering type. She sounded cold and detached which I'm sure did her a lot of favors in her line of work.

We went to the police station to do a check in and take more photos and make another statement where we were told they still hadn't made contact, but would be bringing him in for questioning. My dread had stater as soon as I opened my eyes and was continuously rolling downhill. He could lie his way out of being held there easily. I couldn't prove he was there, but he could have someone lie to try and prove he wasn't there.

After the police station, we made it to the office of John Header; A tall lanky man with salt and pepper hair and a short beard to match, who had been expecting us. Chase's mother called him to say we were coming, and as a favor to her offered to do this pro bono.

"Chase Anderson! Look at you! The last time I saw you, you were about this big," He dropped his hand out to waist level with a smile. He pulled Chase in for a hug before shaking my hand and made me suddenly grateful I did not come here alone. "So, what brings you in buddy?"

As we explained his expression went from curiosity to grave. By the time we were finished, he had a sheet of notes and was fidgeting thoughtfully. "So, he has a brother who is a cop in this town, parents with money, most likely a false alibi, and he's a sports star. They haven't located him for questioning yet, meaning he has had at least twelve hours to come up with something,".

"Yes sir," Chase sighed. "I know how it seems, but we have to try something,".

"I don't want to end this before it can start, but the odds of charges sticking are slim. They love young men with "potential" and "A whole life ahead of them with a lot to lose" I don't agree with it, but that's the way it seems to go," His gaze flicked back and forth between us, my heart sinking with every movement.

"So, what can we do?" I asked, leaning forward. If I had any fingernails left, I would be biting them off.

"So today we will file a motion with the restraining order to hopefully speed up the process, with any luck you will be in the court room as early as a week or two. Until the order and charges are decided we will also file an emergency non contact order. So, he will not be able to speak to you, contact you in any way, or have anything to do with you physically,"

"Okay. I like the sound of that,".

" First, we will need everything off your phone we could use. The text app he was using may not hold up in your favor, but we will need them anyway. The main thing I'm seeing here is that even though the texts are harassment, he has not admitted or threatened anything. As your lawyer, I am instructing both of you to stay away from him. But as your friend," He turned to chase with a shrug "If you were to run into each other and he got heated enough to accidentally say something he shouldn't in the presence of a camera, it's admissible but they can accuse you of baiting,".

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