Homework, Hockey and Hell

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     The next three days were hell. After my breakdown, I decided I couldn't postpone all of my assignments so I wound up staying up late Sunday to finish what I could, and finished everything else on Monday night. Tuesday I was given another history essay due by the end of the next week. Ten pages! A ten page paper in a week. I had heard Mr. Smith could be a hard ass, but it was getting harder and harder to keep up. It seemed that the heaviest part of his coarse load was near the end of the semester instead of the beginning. I wanted to stay home from the game Wednesday to work on it, but I didn't want to leave Chase hanging.

     We didn't talk too much over the last few days due to homework, as well as my current issue at hand. I was ashamed of the conversation that I needed to have with him. I was also tired of Will. He was definitely using an app. He called or messaged me from several different numbers. A new one every day. He never went into details in a message besides a "Hey" or "why won't you answer me" probably baiting me into thinking it was somebody else so I would respond. I didn't bother responding to him. I just blocked the numbers and went about my day. I had no proof it was him so there was really nothing I could do.

     Except there was. I could tell Chase. I could send Wyatt the screenshots of my last conversation with him. However if Wyatt believed me, it could jeopardize his spot on the team if it turned into anything. If he didn't believe me I would subjected to his attack again. Chase would believe me, but with his temper it could jeopardize his spot in the league. There was a reason why very few people actually tried to fight him. He was even angrier than he was tall. I hadn't seen much of it off the ice, but on the ice he could be terrifying. His own team mates gave him more space than needed if he was having a bad game. He never started a fight or acted cheap because he was mad; In that sense his temper was in check. But as soon as someone swung, it was all over. He had no control of his temper at that point. He took every challenge head on with a running start. He has never backed down from a fight. However, if I told him about this he may finally start one, and it would get ugly.

     I told Olivia and Cass about what happened, minus the choking topic, and made them swear not to tell Callum or Owen. They both had the same idea and I hated it.

     "Just tell Chase. He can deal with it,"

     "We've only been dating for like a week,". I sighed, pulling my maroon turtle neck over my tank top. Olivia was laying on my bed, trying to convince me to bring him into it

     "More than that if you count the weeks you spent being friends,".

     I grabbed my mascara off the dresser and tried my best to talk and apply it at the same time. "That doesn't count, and I don't need him being kicked out of the league. It would ruin his career before he could even get drafted. He's worked too hard,".

     She snorted. "Do you think he's an idiot? He won't be stupid about it. He keeps his spot and Will fucks off. He'll figure something out,".

     "No, he won't because I'm not telling him,".

      Now it was her turn to sigh as she rolled off the bed. "Fine, but you need to figure something out. You may think it's nothing, but he sounds unstable. He was fine again until he found out you were dating Chase then he flew off the handle. I don't have a good feeling about this. The second I think he's gone too far, more than he already is, I'm telling him,".

     I opened my mouth to tell her it wouldn't get that far, but was interrupted by Cass. "Chase is here!" she called up the stairs.

     "We aren't done talking about this,". She warned as I breezed past her, in a hurry to get out of the situation. I was downstairs with my boots and jacket on, and out the door in thirty seconds, bumping into Chase on the step. He looked so professional with his black dress pants and grey button up, complete with a black tie. He hated the game day dress code, but I kind of liked it.

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