Calm before the storm

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Sorry this one is kind of a filler 😅 after that long wait. I'm really trying to get back into it, but working 48 hours a week isn't helping

    I knew a nap would screw me over, considering it was only one o'clock, but I didn't think it would be a " wake up at 8pm" kind of nap. I groaned as soon as I realized what time it was. I had an essay to work on, a test to study for, and a court case to prepare for,

" You alright babe?" Chase rolled over and threw an arm across my torso.

"It's 8 p.m.,"
He shot up out of bed with a curse, searching for his clothes " I forgot to set an alarm I have practice tonight. I already missed dry land this morning,"

I got out of bed and found his shirt while he slipped into his jeans. He ran a hand through his dark hair before sitting down to put his socks on at the end of the bed. I held the shirt out so he could slip it on, almost giggling at the oddity. I never helped him get dressed usually I was trying to convince him to get undressed.

"Something funny?" He said cocking a brow

"I'll tell you when you aren't late," I used the collar of his shirt to pull him in for a quick kiss. This time instead of pulling away he surprised me by pulling me in closer,sliding a hand down to grab my ass firmly while the other went to the back of my neck. I gasped and he took it as an invitation, holding me tightly while he deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moaned into his mouth.

"Chase youre-"

he dipped his head to press a kiss to my neck "going to be late I know," he gave me a lopsided grin before giving me the quick peck I initially went in for and gave my ass one last squeeze. " see you after?"

I nodded "I'll be here,". With that chase raced out of my room and down the stairs, nearly knocking Cass over on his way out.

"I was just about to come and make sure you two were alive,". Her lips tilted up into a smug smile. "How did it go today?"

I sighed and walked back into my room with her trailing behind me so I could fill her in. She was just as shocked as we were to hear Will's allegations. She was even more surprised to hear that they were being taken seriously and we had to provude evidence and statements.

"His brother had something to do with this. I'm sure he did,". she said angrily. "I didn't see or hear from Robin today, which is odd since she wasn't with shithead. She probably knew he would pull this, and that on the slim chance they were actually going to do the hearing today his bullshit would have delayed it,".

"Yup,". I flopped back on to my pillows, staring up at the ceiling. "So now we have to have our evidence gathered, and have a copy of everything sent to his lawyer, and another copy to give to the judge to look over as well and we will meet again in a week. At least he kept the restraining order in tact. Minus the arenas because he's such a 'promising young man'. " I couldn't help mocking the term. It was beginning to be my number one hated phrase.

"So what do i have to write? I'll have it done and printed by tonight,".

"Just anything you've witnessed between him and I, Robin showing up with the shirt, how I was after he jumped me, and I guess how I was with Chase afterwards to try and prove he wasn't the one who did it,".

We spent a few minutes going over everything, and Cass said she would text Olivia to let her know what's going on since she wasn't home yet. I thanked her before she left and I headed to the bathroom for a nice hot shower.

for half an hour i turned the situation over and over in my head. What a mess. At this point I would settle for no charges and just a restaining orderif it got the job done faster, and kept Chase's reputation clean. If i had any tears left they would have been flowing, but the more I thought about it, the more numbing dread i felt. Since 'girl's night' I had been cheated on, lost my boyfriend, lost two friends, been jumped, been threatened, and had being abused and sexually assaulted thrown in my face from Will, Robin, and even John, and my new boyfriend thrown under the bus for something he didn't do. Not to mention all the classes I missed. With Christmas only a few weeks away this is not what I wanted to be dealing with right now.

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