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      Quick TW: mentions SA


    "Callum, are you home? . . . Okay great. Take both of them to our house. Now,".

     "Why do they need to-"

     "I can't tell you why. Not right now. You need to take them over there right now. For the night,".

     "I'm not going to force them to-"

     "I swear to God Callum if you do not have those two in our Livingroom in half an hour I will    fucking-"

     "Okay, okay. Fuck dude, we'll go,".

     I sighed, hanging up the phone. Would he show up there? I never thought he would pull something like this either but here we are. Clearly Saunders doesn't have a line to cross. I wish I could have kept going. He got off with much less than he deserved. All because I was pissed off at her. Sure, I still got out of the truck and dragged my ass up there, but I waited. I was too far away to know what was happening when it started. I didn't start running until I heard her scream and it still took me too long to get there. She had bruises on her neck for Christ's sake.

     She looked like a ghost sitting in the back of the ambulance. All the color was leeched from her skin, making the hand print on her face that much brighter. I gave my statement already but I wasn't allowed near her until they were done talking to her. I knew how this looked, and I had a bad feeling that he was going to get away with it. She bit her nails down to nothing. Meaning there would be no scratch marks on him, and no fibers or DNA under her nails, no witnesses, no proof it was him. Yeah she had marks. They proved that someone hurt her. Not him specifically. They took photos at least, and told me to bring her to the station in the morning to make another report and file for a restraining order. That was a bad sign. They told her to go file for one, not that a judge was going to put on in place. They didn't think this would make it into a courtroom.

     When the finally waved me over, I made sure I approached her slower than usual. I had no idea what I was dealing with. The fact that she didn't want to call Cass or Olivia had me worried, those girls told each other everything as far as I knew. She got into the truck silently, her eyes cast down. We were halfway home when Callum texted me that they were all there, and the girls were furious. I knew they would be.

     Me: I know they're pissed. Something happened tonight. Willow is coming over, she doesn't want to talk. To anyone.

     Callum: What happened? Is she okay?

     Me: I don't know.

     I fought the urge to crush the phone in my hands. The truth was I didn't know if she was or would be okay again. It could have been worse, but it's the worst thing that's ever happened to her and I let it happen. If I hadn't decoded to follow her up, she may not even be alive right now. The way he was acting was something I honestly never expected from him, drunk or not. He was a bigger threat than I ever imagined. I tossed my phone down, concentrating on trying to drive us home, and not back to Saunders place to kill him.


     "Yeah?" My eyes snapped over to her, noting the defeated look on her face. I grabbed her hand that way toying with the hem of her sweater.

     "Earlier, when I said I had to tell you something-"

     "We don't have to talk about that right now,". I said gently. My anger from that situation was long gone.

     "Yes we do. It was about Will. He showed up at my house, and he's been texting me,".

     I tried not to react but my knuckles were white while they clutched the steering wheel. Had I have known this she never would have been up there alone, client or no client. It wasn't Wyatt bothering her the other night. It was Saunders. I opened my mouth to tell her not to worry about it, but she cut me off

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