Chapter 25

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"Did you get everything?" I asked Rose, quietly as she snuck into my room at 4:30 am.

"Yup." She smiled, evilly.

She pulled out a top hat, icing, sprinkles, cupcakes and mayonnaise. We needed to prepare this stuff beforehand.

"You do the cupcakes; I'll do the 'cake', ok?" I instructed Rose.

I grabbed the top hat and spread the white icing over it. When it looked even, I started making designs with the blue icing bag and dumping lots of sprinkles on it. It looked just like a real cake. I grinned widely and looked over at Rose who was piping the blue tinted mayonnaise on the vanilla cupcakes.

"Perfect. Let's go."

We grabbed all of the supplies, cupcakes, and 'cake' and walked upstairs to the third floor. I was very glad that my old friend and Olivia's fiancé, Adam was on guard. He was in with the plan as well. We quietly walked into Oliver's room trying not to laugh. We right away got to work. I scurried into the bathroom, bringing with cream cheese, clear nail polish, and salt. I grabbed his deodorant and scooped it all out. I placed the perfectly moulded cream cheese in and placed it back where it belongs. Then I went over to the sink grabbing the bar of soap and covering it with clear nail polish. I quietly laughed evilly when I grabbed his toothbrush, dumping a pile of salt on top.

When I was finished in the bathroom, I joined Rose out in his bedroom.

"I got the glitter on the ceiling fan, the cake and cupcakes on display, I hid all of his socks and set his clock an hour forward, and setting the alarm so he isn't actually late for the meeting today at 7 am." Rose smiled proudly.

"You butter the doorknob and Saran Wrap the door. But not all of it." I instructed.

I tiptoed over to Oliver's night stand and grabbed his cellphone. Thank God Oliver is a heavy sleeper.

I easily got his password and changed his ringtone to an old old song that I think he would appreciate very much going off during that meeting tomorrow morning, the one the only Baby by Justin Bieber. The worlds most annoying song ever made. I only heard it going through old CDs one day and showed it to Oliver who asked, and I quote, 'Why does it sound like the girl singing is dying?' I laughed a lot for that one. After I changed his ringtone I changed the language to something I know he can't speak. I don't even know what it is. Then I quickly ran to his closet and tied all of his shoestrings together so he couldn't wear any shoes. His shoes laid in a tangled mess as I closed the closet door once again.

"Are you done?" I asked Rose.

"Yup. We have to go to his office, right?" She whispered back.

I nodded my bed, crawling under the Saran Wrap and made my way to his office. I quickly screen shotted his desktop background and quickly hid all of his icons then setting the background as the screenshot so he won't be able to get onto the icons.

"What's left?" Rose asked as we made out way back inside of his room.

"Just put pepper in his coffee. A maid should be up here at 5:45 bringing it, meaning we have 5 minutes. You have to go get it from her so she doesn't run into the Saran Wrap."

She nodded her head, staying in the hall as I wandered back into Oliver's room. Soon Rose came crawling in, carrying a cup of coffee. I poured a lot of pepper in the white, fragile cup and placed it on Oliver's night stand. Rose closed his door so he would try and turn the butter covered doorknob. Now we wait. We sat on his couch like we do sometimes, so he wasn't going to think that it's strange us being there. As 6 am reached Oliver's alarm clock blared and he groaned whacking it quiet.

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