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I looked at him shocked again "I-Ikuto..." I muttered.

He smiled "you finally remembered my name" he said before untying my hands.

I rubbed my now red wrist before I backed away from the blue haired man in front of me.

"don't worry" he calmed me while gently cupping my cheek "I'll explain you everything....but first let me deal with him".

I blushed again. My whole body was heated up.

I didn't say a word and just nodded....why do  I trusting him?...

[~•~Amu's view~•~]

Quietly both Ikuto and me were sitting in the living room of my apartment. He on the big leather chapter in front of my sofa and I on my sofa.

Non of us said a word he just kept on looking at me. I didn't even dare look at him I was looking down on my fingers that I tried to keep busy, which I always did when I was nervous.

After he knocked the guy in my room out he wanted to lock him up in my bathroom. Sadly he got back his sense and Ikuto and he started a fight which gladly Ikuto won.

After Ikuto knocked him out he tied him up and because he wanted to watching over him he sat him on the floor next to the leather chair he was sitting in.

I was sitting in the couch in front of him. My whole body was tensed up and I was scared of even breathing because I thought it  might wake the silver haired boy up.

"Don't worry...I'll knock him out if he wakes up again" said Ikuto which made me jump up.

"U-Uhm! no! that's...I..." I muttered while clenching the fabric of my skirt.

I was nervous I didn't knew what to normal people get in such situations.

I looked up at the man in front of me. He had a few scars in his face from the fight earlier....and he was stating at me ,which made me even more nervous.

"U-um...w-would you S-stop staring at me" I mumbled looking down on my legs again.

"Didn't you just do the same a moment ago" he said.

I blushed immediately hearing that he noticed "N-No! I mean...i-i"

"God....she looks smarter than she is...but is quite dense" muttered the a moment ago knocked out guy.

"Hyaa!! He's awake!!!" I yelled jumping in Ikuto's arms.

Ikuto looked a little surprised at me before hitting the white haired dude.

"Damn you Kiba...where in this mess just because you couldn't keep youslrself hidden! We weren't allowed to show before she is full aged" muttered Ikuto.

The boy named Kiba stood up, he managed to get ride of the rope he was tied with. I clenched the fabric of Ikuto's shirt clinging closer to the blue haired man as a sadistic smirk played on Kibas lips.

"Well you were the first one who showed least I know you haven't marked her yet so I'll keep an eye on her......just like you did the past years" he said before walking over to my balcony door and opening it.

"Well meet soon again Amu-chan" he said before a pair of silver/white wolf ears appeared on his head with a matching tail on his back.

I froze.....what just happened.

The teen wolf in front of us grinned at me again showing me his sharp dog like teeth.

I clung even harder to Ikuto if possible. Two completely strangers in my house and here I am sitting on ones lap hopping he'd protect me.

Amuto: The forbidden preyWhere stories live. Discover now