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I really want to spend some alone time with Amu. Especially since it's been so quiet lately. I want to enjoy it while I can. Before everything gets all chaotic again.

I guess I can't keep her away from all the harm forever. She's still too innocent for this world. And she still barely knows anything about herself. I wish she could live a normal life. I really do. Even if it means we'd never have meet....

[~•~Amu's view~•~]

I sighed frustrated while getting changed in the changing room of the cafe. I should've been home three hours ago. But Yumiko called and said she needed someone to help her out. One of the other waitresses got sick and she needed a helping hand. Geez...I really should learn to say no.

I got changed pretty fast. Suddenly Yumiko came inside. I shrieked as she suddenly stood in front of me. She was a bit old but still acted like a child sometimes.

"Oh sorry, dear" she apologized "I just wanted to give you this" she said before handing me an envelope. I looked at it surprised before opening it. There was quiet a lot of money in it. My eyes widened in shock.

"W-what!? What's that!? Why!?" I asked shocked.

"You're always helping me out whenever I call you. And you're the most working waitress here. That's why I thought about giving you a small bonus" she explained cheerfully.

"I can't take that" I responded shocked.

"You can. Take it as a late birthday present or an early Christmas bonus" she said before going out again.

I grabbed my bag and put the money inside before going through the back door. I'm usually okay with the money  always get. I don't know what I should do with that now.

Hmm...maybe I could buy something for Ikuto? He's very overprotective. I could buy him a mobile phone so he could reach me anytime. I just wonder if he'd be okay with that.

I went to the mall and decided to buy Ikuto a phone. At least he'd worry less and could phone me when he needed me. I also could reach him when I felt a bit worried about him.

Yumiko gave me quiet a lot of money. Okay, I did help a lot and always arrived right in time. But it still was no real reason to give me so much money. I bought him an iPhone 6 and still had a lot of money left.

Maybe I could save the money to do something with Ikuto someday later. I could go out with him then. After getting the phone for him I made my way back home. I hope Ikuto just didn't feel lonely without me.

I went up in my apartment. It was quiet as I arrived. A bit too quiet... Did Ikuto still decide to do something stupid!? I looked around shocked until noticing Ikuto on my couch. He was reading a book. I sighed relieved. He looked up as he heard me.

"Welcome back" he greeted me with a gentle smile. Again I sighed relieved before walking over to him and collapsing next to him on the couch. He looked at me surprised as I cuddled to his chest.

"Is something wrong?" He asked confused.

"When you hear me come back home...please make some noise" I begged. I just wanted to have a sign that's he's gone when I arrive home.

"Okay" he chuckled as he peeked my head. I barely could concentrate on anything today. I was worried the whole time that Ikuto would be gone when I get home. He hugged me gentle. He was comforting me. I guess he noticed that I was worried. 

"Where have you been? I thought you'd come earlier?" He asked a bit worried.

"I was asked to jump in for someone in the cafe" I explained before jumping up and grabbing my bag "I've got a little bonus and bought you something" I told him.

Amuto: The forbidden preyWhere stories live. Discover now