Chapter 9, Part 1: Confusion

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-Time skip to 3 weeks later, Friday, 11:21 a.m-

(Mabel's POV:)

I strutted my way out of science, wearing a black pencil skirt and a navy blue knitted sweater. I saw Isaac at his locker, but then frowned upon the fact that he still hasn't asked me on a real date yet like he said he would, we are best friends, I want more than that though. He motioned his hand so I would go see him, so I did. I smiled at his beautiful blue eyes.

"What are you smiling at, dork?" I shook my head and blushed.

"You're eyes, their just gorgeous, they remind me of a happy time."

"What happy time?" I shook my head and smiled.

"Actually, I don't remember." I said doing a little laugh

"That's strange, maybe something that happened that your memory doesn't remember from your incident."

"Probably." He smiled at me.

"Mabel, there is something I've been dying to tell you, I just don't know how to put it."

"What? Is there another girl? You like some one else, don't you..." I tilt my head down and my heart dropped. I heard him shut his locker. I then felt his hand press my chin up.

"What? Mabel no. I-I like you. There is no other girl, only you. I promise. You make me happy, you make me smile. You're always there for me, you know all the right things to say. You have a beautiful smile, well, a beautiful everything, and I love all of them. The way you wear your hair, your outfits, your silly crafts you make, the way you get so happy when there is a sale on anything that involves glitter, your personality. Mabel, I've never loved so much about one person." I started to blush like crazy, I looked into his eyes, but it was so hard to focus.

"I-I feel the same way, Isaac."

"Mabel, I like you a lot. I'm afraid to let you in more, you know how much I've been through, you know how when ever I let some one in they leave me left to rot. I just, I can't be left in that pain again,you know?"

"Isaac, you know I would never ever betray you, I'd never leave you randomly. I have a heart, unlike those other girls you've been with. I care about you."

"They said that too." I grabbed his hands and focused even harder on his eyes.

"Listen to me, I'm not them, I wouldn't hurt anything, unless they were hurting the things or people I love. I would never wanna make you hurt. I care about you so so so much, and I'll say that a million times until you get it into your head. Please trust me, I can make you even more happier."

"Do you promise me?"

"Yes, Isaac, with all my heart" I smiled at him and he smiled back. He let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around my waist. I reached my hands and arms on his shoulders and hugged him tightly. After about 10 seconds he let go.

"Listen, Mabel. I got to get to class. See you soon." He said, then left leaving me stranded at his locker. I saw Dipper standing at the end of the hallway, he looked at me and ran over.

"What happened?"

"I honestly don't know... He told me he liked me and then walked away.."

"Are you okay, Mabel?"

"I-I think so." I turned to Dipper and looked at his face. He looked paler than usual.

"Well, the question is are you okay?" Dipper itched his head at that question.

"I don't know. Makayla and I have been fighting for the past two days, and I can't sleep, and I have other stuff on my mind."

"Fighting about what?"

"I don't even know, some stupid bull shit, she says 'I don't try hard enough.'"

"Well, Dipper, I think you would make an excellent boyfriend." He tilted his head a little.

"Huh?" My face got hot.

"I-I didn't mean it like that." His eyes lit up for some reason.

"No, no. It's completely fine." He said with the biggest smile

"Good, Good."

"Awkward sibling hug?" He said with his arms out. I shrugged.

"Awkward sibling hug." I said jumping on him. He laughed and squeezed me. For some reason good being in his arms, and for some even weirder reason, his scent brought comfort . We let go and just looked at each other with awkwardness. The bell rang.

"Well, um. Thanks, Bro-bro for checking in on me."


"I gotta get to class. I'll see you at lunch." I said doing an awkward smile.

"Yeah-Yeah, obviously. Me too. See you soon." I walked away and for some reason I just couldn't stop thinking about that hug.

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