Before It's Too Late

167 11 7

May 6, Friday

TT: Please talk to Kanaya.
TT: She misses you a lot.

-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering carcinoGeneticist [CG] --

It's May now.
Only a few weeks away until we graduate.

Funny how time really moves fast. I mean, I'm pretty sure there are days that you can't wait for physics class to be over because the front row in which you sit in with your ex-girlfriend, your ex-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend (she's with Gamzee Makara now since March, whoop-de-fucking-do!), and a chick who likes your ex-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, and so physics class is exploding with tension and awkwardness and silence and internal suffering, that you just wish for time to speed the hell up already because it's too much for your lousy ass to handle.

But when the days pass by and after a while you see that your ex-girlfriend rarely attends class anymore, your lesbian best friend doesn't hang out with you (half of it is your fault why she doesn't though), and your friend with his fucking lisp is never anywhere near his childhood best friend and they honestly don't even ride home with you anymore, then that is the moment you wish so much that time would slow down enough to make sense of everything.

I sigh and stole a glance outside, towards the football field while Mr. Hussie wrote the lessons that would be included in the upcoming finals.
Terezi's seat was empty again, along with Strider's. I suddenly remember punching him in the face when I learned he and Terezi had broken up, then shook the memory away. The last I heard from the guy, he was doing his brother's work now or something. That was why he was rarely at school. Jade looks sad in her seat since last Monday and I wondered why. I mean, her Bec mutt beast died last month and all, maybe she was still grieving. I've been hanging out with her since January because that was the time Sollux was with Feferi (they broke up last month), and Aradia was with that sweaty Equius Zahhak guy (they also broke up last month). Funny.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't all head over heels for Harley now that I hangout with her more (even though I actually kind of told her I liked her last month which honestly makes me sound like a total douchebag because it didn't feel like it was the truth). But she was all alone, and I was all alone, so why don't the alone people not be alone by breaking the loneliness?
She still likes Strider though. Dunno what women see in that blonde douche. I have a feeling it's the sunglasses.

Anyway, the bell finally rang and Mr. Hussie kept telling us which lessons to start reviewing for final exams as everyone took their things and headed for the door.
I went up to Jade and asked, "Hey, you okay?" I had a feeling she wasn't but people like being asked if they're okay.

Jade smiled a small smile and said she was fine. "Gotta go to practice." and she waved goodbye and walked away. She had music club most of the time so we very rarely go home together and so she doesn't ride with me much in my car. Kind of like Kanaya.

Speaking of Maryam, I see her lingering by the threshold, probably waiting for her girlfriend Rose to pack her damn notebooks and leave. The mention of Rose made me remember something: She had sent me a message yesterday on Sburb to talk to Kanaya already since we haven't really done so to each other since last October when Terezi broke up with me.

"Kanaya, I can't seem to find my notebook," I heard Rose say.
"Do You Need Assistance In Looking For It?" Kanaya asked as she was about to walk towards her.
"No," Rose replied quickly. "It's fine, I think I can find it, you just stay where you are right now, by the door, until I find it. It might take a while though."
I managed not to roll my eyes. Clearly, she was implying that I should go talk to Kanaya and straighten things out like I said I would in our chat messages. Whatever.
I sighed and walked up to Kanaya just so Lalonde would get off my back, and said, "Hey."
Kanaya turned her head towards me so fast with wide eyes. "H-hey, Hello, Karkat."

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