Signal Fire

715 30 46

May 25, Sunday

"The perfect words never crossed my mind,

'Cause there was nothing in there but you."

I slowly made my way to the school's gazebo just meters away from the exit of the school's gym where prom was being held, and teardrops of sweat perspired at the side of my forehead.

I'm walking outside because I was supposed to meet Rose.

This was the first time I attended any of my proms with a date. Karkat would invite me back then, saying it would be a group thing but needless to say, I end up at our table all night long with him and Terezi always arguing about something, then Sollux and Aradia would be dancing far away. Vriska was never my date because she would always be with other guys that I presume always never worked out.

I reached my destination, and sat at the long bench circling inside the gazebo.

A lot of things have happened after that Christmas night with Rose. Even before that month. I learned some of them quite late, so I am pretty disappointed with myself.

* Last October:

Karkat and Terezi broke up. Up to now, I still don't know why, and nobody seems to be telling me anything. Maybe I was nowhere to be found.

* November:

Dave is seen with Terezi. Although, I didn't understand why he spends more time with Jade for the most part.

John and Vriska seem to be hanging out a lot.

* December

Aradia and Sollux are not seen together like most days.

Karkat had yelled at me to "SHUT THE FUCK UP" and proceeded to give me the cold-shoulder.

Christmas Eve with Rose.

Rose and I are officially best friends and a couple.


Karkat is still not telling me anything about his problems.

Aradia is seen with Equius.

Sollux is seen with Feferi.

John and Vriska are a couple. (It said so in her Sburb account.)


Rose introduced me to her Mom, I introduced her to my parents, and got the same result: Approved.

I felt happy for the whole month so I am very unaware of everything which makes me sad now.


Terezi is seen with Gamzee Makara (a guy who always seemed stoned or something. And we all used to be friends with him until he started acting all crazy for the most part). So I'm guessing she is no longer with Dave. I do wonder why.

Karkat and Dave had a fight somewhere outside of school.

Unfortunately, the month of April has been very bad to all of us because:

Rose's Mom died.

John's Father died.

Dave's er... Bro Dad also died.

Aradia is not seen with Equius anymore.

Sollux broke up with Feferi.

Terezi seems to be sporting crimson-colored shades from time to time. Some people say she wears them when she has a black eye when Gamzee beats her up during arguments.

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