Tongue Tied

747 24 2

October 26, Wednesday

Almost a month has passed since I agreed to Dave's "nice guy" plan, with me being a wingchick (I still think it sounds weird, though. ... 'Wingchick'), and things have changed, much to my realization.

That day I agreed (the driving-off-with-the-sun-setting-thing business), we went to the music store named Land of Frost for some reason, ten blocks away from my grandpa's house. Five blocks South, then five blocks East.

This is a summary of it:

Dave: [To the store owner (a fifty-ish guy that I've never seen before because I've never been here for eight years)] "Hey, 'sup? We're here to fix my wingchick's flute."

Store Owner: "I beg your pardon?"

Me: "What he means is, I need my flute fixed, please."

Store Owner: "Oh. Well, we will certainly try." [Chuckles] "What is its brand and model, dear?"

Me: [Sets the flute case on the counter and opens it] "It's um... a Yamaha YFL-687H. It was in its case when it fell on a flight of stairs a while ago."

Dave: "And it sounds like a fucking pregnant cat howling or something."

Store Owner: [Gapes for about 5.48 seconds at my instrument and didn't even notice that Dave cursed] "This is your flute, miss?"

Dave: [Glances at me with invisible question marks on his shades]

Me: [Glances back at him and shrugs]

Store Owner: [Clears his throat] "This... This is a one of a kind flute, you see. One of the best." [I thought I saw his eyes sparkle] "And, oh dear, you broke it?"

Me: [Backpedals] "Actually, it wasn't me. I mean, I would never-"

Store Owner: "Oh, but it doesn't matter!"

Me: "? D:"

Store Owner: [Probably saw my expression] "My bad. It's just that... this flute is very valuable."

Dave: "So how much does it cost to fix?"

Store Owner: "Well, given the price of this magnificent instrument that-" [Looks at me] "I'm sorry, when did you buy this?"

Me: "Eight years ago. Here in this store when Mister Rufioh"-the one who was in charge back then-"sold it to me. I've kept it in mint condition. Er, until now, that is."

Store Owner: [Gapes again but now for 4.06 seconds then collects himself] "I see. Well," [He brought out a small calculator and punched in a few numbers] "more or less it will be... six thousand dollars."

Me: ! [It was just around 4 or 5 when I bought it back then! It takes a thousand bucks to fix an instrument now??]

Dave: [To the store owner] "Excuse us for a while, mister dude guy."

Store Owner: "My name's Steve."

Dave: [Ignored him and took me to the far-end corner of the store which wasn't really that much 'far'] "Jegus, Harley. You never told me that fucking pipe costs a house!"

Me: "But.. I did mention you didn't have to waste unnecessary money..." [Wait] ; n ; "But! You promised!!"

Dave: [Puffed out his cheeks a little like he was holding in a laugh] "Relax, it's fine. I was just messing with you." [Messes up my hair]

Me: [Didn't mind my messed up hair] "Hehe :'D" [Walks with him to the counter again]

Dave: "Okay. We'll be leaving my wingchick's flute here so you guys can work on it, then we'll pay for it. Cool?"

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