
754 34 11

December 21, Thursday


My lips couldn't help but pull up at their own accord as usual.

A lot of people have asked me this question countless of times and I wondered if she had ever been interrogated with the query as well. But perhaps not since she hasn't been here very long like me, that people would take the time to ask her. Also, because I presume she is still rather intimidating.

I chuckled as I continued outlining some designs on my canvas. “We're Close, I Guess.” My whole body knew that Art class was about to end, and that I was minutes away from sitting beside Rose since I had Literature with her. I tried my best to sit still.

“HON3STLY, 1'V3 N3V3R S33N YOU SO H4PPY 3V3N WH3N YOU W3R3 OBS3SS3D W1TH VR1SK4 B4CK TH3N.” Terezi Pyrope sat beside me as she drew in her own canvas. You could practically hear her leet speaking even when you weren't chatting with her on Sburb.

“I Was Not Obsessed. Why Does Everyone Think I Am Obsessed With People?”


“Is It A Crime To Do So?”

“M4YB3?” she devilishly grinned at me behind her scarlet-rimmed glasses. I've always wondered why she and Vriska were somehow very similar. Maybe the fact that they had been like sisters ever since they were little answered my unspoken question. Also, Terezi was loco for justice things. I've seen her watch Law & Order marathons without a break. Karkat found this attractive, I suppose.

“Well Then I'm Sorry If It Is. Throw Me In At The Nearest Police Car You Can Find That Has The Aftertaste Of Doughnuts And Caffeine As You Trap My Wrists With Fake Aluminum Cuffs.”

“1T N3V3R D1D M4K3 4NY S3NS3 WHY TH3Y C4LL3D 1T H4NDCUFFS.” her auburn hair shook as her head did. “G33Z, K4N4Y4. WH4T 1S 1T W1TH YOU 4ND BLOND3S??” she was referring to me liking Vriska before, and now Rose. Hoo boy, what is it about my lovelife that they find an interest to?

“It Was Just A Coincidence That They're Both Blondes, You Know.”

Terezi grinned. “SO YOU L1K3 TH1S BLOND3 ROS3, HUH? WH4T DO3S VR1SK4 H4V3 TO S4Y 4BOUT TH1S?”

“She Doesn't Get A Say Because We Were Never A Couple In The First Place. Besides, She Didn't Return The Same Feelings I Had For Her.”

She shrugged. “M4YB3 SH3 D1D.”

“It's Too Late Now, If She Ever Did. Because I Do Not Want To Hurt When I See Her Flirting With Boys And Can't Make Up Her Mind Who She Likes. Well, I Like Rose Now. Maybe Vriska Should Like That Idea.”

“H3H3H3H3!! N3V3R KN3W YOU W3R3 SO SOR3 4BOUT S3RK3T.” she cackled a bit more, and some people turned around to look at us. “4NYW4Y, 1 W4S WOND3R1ING 1F K4RK4T 1S ST1LL T4LK1NG TO YOU.”

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