Chasing Pavements

603 26 19

May 1, Sunday

JH <3 DS


Karkat scooped up another handful of dirt from the shovel we took from my house, and poured its contents on top of the handmade, wooden casket six feet below.


When school resumed last January, I wasn't surprised that Dave wasn't sitting in our lunch table anymore. He had promised me when he made the deal that he wouldn't bother me anymore after he was a nice guy and scored Terezi, right? I guess people do keep their promises.

I hated my creation.

Anyway, Kanaya Maryam started sitting with what was left of our group because she and Rose were officially dating. But then after a few days, John left us too, saying a bunch of apologies that Vriska wanted him on their table because she and Terezi weren't in good terms for some reason.

 At first it wasn't so bad with just me, Rose, and Kanaya during lunch. But honestly, after a while, I realized what Karkat meant about hanging out with two people who like each other. Being a third wheel sucked.

I wasn't mad at them or anything, they're still my friends and I still get to talk to them, but I had to get away from all the romance stuff because it was making me sad. For the past days of February, I sat at the school's open field alone.

Well, sometimes I hang out with Nepeta or Feferi, but I was mostly alone. Until one March day, a redheaded boy sat beside me.


'I love you, Bec. I'll miss you a lot,' I thought to myself with tears in my eyes as every thud was an echo to my heart.

Karkat was quiet with his work, even when I promised that I would help him both with the digging and the burying, but I actually just stood there holding myself. I really wanted to feel ashamed, but there was just sadness inside me.

We chose this small forest a few meters away behind my house as the cemetery.

Oh. I should probably mention that John's Dad and Rose's Mom (they've been dating since December, cousin John told me) died last April 3.

Horrible accident.

Dad Egbert was driving his car with Mom Lalonde riding shotgun going home from work early, when they were crossing an intersection when the car mysteriously lost its brakes and, well, long story short they collided with another car.

There were some rumors when I attended their funeral at John's house that it was a set up by some CEO guy in an opposing company, since Rose's Mom and John's Dad were partners in this business or whatever.

I'm not sure if that was true, but it scared me. Business work and all. Was it really so important that a person would go to such lengths to execute other people? My head shook.

I didn't see Dave at the funeral, though. He must've arrived when I already left.

John and Rose were quiet that time. Especially Rose. I could see Kanaya throwing worried glances at her whenever I see them in school. Also, Rose doesn't attend music club anymore ever since that incident.

Then three days after that, Bec passed away too.

Hit and run, the neighbors said. (Except the neighbor beside my house … which is Dave)

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