When I Was Your Man

186 12 2

May 25, Sunday

It's prom now. FUCKING WOW.
Well, in a few hours anyway. Finals were over, and all that was left was some fun and excitement, ergo: prom. I honestly don't want to go, even though it's the last one for us seniors and wah wah everything's going to end, boohoo. Please. It's not even graduation yet. I'm saving up the nostalgia for later.

I sighed.
Truthfully, if Dave wasn't asking for help with his surprise for Jade today (he was planning to serenade her in the gazebo located just outside the school's gym), I wouldn't even want to go to prom. Kanaya's going to be with Rose no doubt, then Sollux and Aradia are both not attending. Sollux because he just wanted to rest at home (what with being sick and all), Aradia because who knows what. I honestly don't even know what's going on with those two. It's like they've forgotten they were best friends.

Right now, I'm just thinking about what to wear. Uncle Kankri always insists that I wear a tux, but me and Terezi always just crashed prom in our jeans and sneakers. I wasn't going to break tradition now, even girlfriendless, because dressing up would mean you cared enough to look nice for an event that usually stops being fun when you're single and the slow dancing starts and you either don't have a date, or the person you want to dance with is dancing with someone else, particularly with the person he/she likes which is sadly not you.

I swear that once I'm finished helping Dave with his plan, I am going to bolt out of there. I heard last week that Terezi was going to prom, accompanied by her freaking stoner clown boyfriend Gamzee.
I sighed again as I opened up my computer, logged in to Sburb, and played Skaia for a while.

5:16 PM
After playing Skaia, I scrolled through my newsfeed in Sburb. But then I see a post. Just this one post, and I feel as if the world stopped.

gallowsCalibrator changed her status from "In a relationship" to "Single".

I stared at the screen, dumbfounded. Was this real? The post was dated just yesterday at exactly 3:17 PM. More than twenty-four hours has passed. Is this serious? Was she serious? Wait, why the hell am I feeling all excited for? What?? What. WHAT IS THIS, I AM LOSING MY MIND.
I can feel my heart in my chest, pumping up more blood in my veins than necessary.


What does this mean? But most importantly, why do I feel the need to do something? WHOA, VANTAS. Slow the fuck down and get your shit right. What are you going to do, ask her to be your girlfriend again?
I leaned back against my computer chair.
Terezi started going to classes again a few days after that incident that she passed out at one of my neighbor's bushes and I took her home. She didn't say or acknowledge that she remembered that moment at her house, but I would swear that sometimes, even when she was sitting next to Gamzee at the cafeteria, I would see her looking my way.
I also get to talk to her sometimes during physics class, like 'Oh, hey, how's it going?' kind of stuff, but that's it. There's no "You want to talk somewhere maybe? Just the two of us?" Nope.
She'd been really busy in the couple weeks before, trying to make up for the absences she had. I think she's managed somehow, as it is that the teachers never let students who are failing, attend prom.
I frowned. Did I want to get her back? I mean, they just broke up and all...

Me, John and Rose need to be at school at exactly seven. We each had specific tasks to help Dave with his surprise for Jade. Who knows how long that's going to take? Kanaya would be helping too, no doubt, but we could always use more hands...
I stood up, glanced at the time, then at the mirror on my dresser. The guy staring back at me rolled his eyes: Go, you hopeless sonuvabitch.

5:30 PM
I went down the stairs so fast and almost smacked into Kankri, who had been at the bottom of the stairs. He took one step away. "Whoa, what's the rush? I was just going to call up to you and say I'm leaving for Huckstome High."
Right. Teachers that were assigned to be in charge with prom duties like checking to see if someone would spike the punch bowl, or separate couples that are dancing too close to each other.
I scratched the back of my head. "Thought I'd rent a tux."
Kankri looked surprised. "I thought you hated dressing up, much less for prom?"
"Yeah, but..."
I saw Kankri clap his hands with this big smile on his face. "Say no more, nephew! I knew you had that spirit in you." I suppressed rolling my eyes. "You came at a bad time though!" he continued while glancing at his watch, "I would be honored to accompany you in picking out your suit, but I really have to go to the school at this moment."
"It's fine," I said. "I'll just grab the first tux I'll see and maybe get a corsage for Terezi and--"
"Terezi?" Kankri smiled again, then snapped his fingers. "I know!" He took out his phone and made some calls.

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