4 | Rosaline

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     THE MORNING HAD FLOWN BY RATHER FAST, especially for Billy Hargrove who had never expected to actually like this outspoken punk boy. Yet here he was, at the back of an English lesson next to the kid, trying not to laugh his arse off at some stupid thing he was made aware of.

"He's gonna do it, oh god! he's gonna do it!" The blonde whisper yelled, grabbing the tanned boy's arm and shaking him. They were watching the disgusting sight of a guy near the front of the class picking his nose. He looked ready to eat the disgusting blob on the end of his finger, and with a quick look surveying the students beside him, he did.

The two at the back of the class were trying their hardest not to audibly gag. Both giggling to each other like kindergarteners who thought 'poopyhead' was a genius insult. Billy couldn't help but laugh along with the blonde boy, his smile infectious and laughing like a melody in his ears. Not to mention how mesmerising that mischievous look in his baby blue eyes was. The Californian looked away pretty quick, fear prickling at his spine when he realised, he was staring.

"Rhodes! Hargrove! If you can't be quiet, then you're welcome to leave!" The teacher scorned, crossing her arms with a sense of smugness at calling out the teenagers, putting them under the spotlight when the class turned to them.

Her smile broke when the blonde stood from his seat.

"Alright then ma'am, if I am so welcome." He slung his bag over his shoulder, which he had never unpacked for the lesson, and made for the door. He sent a quick look to Billy who was just as shocked at the boy's audacity as the rest of the class, the stare lasted a moment longer than it should have, before he winked at him and headed out the door.

"Well, I never!" The teacher, along with the class then turned their attention back to the curly haired male, awaiting a reaction or some sort of explanation.

He huffed at the attention, not really wanting to deal with the blonde's mess.

"... Ah, fuck it." He got up and grabbed his stuff, following the male out the door and down the hall. "Oi, wait up!"

The darkly dressed blonde turned with a cheeky smile. "Took ya long enough, gorgeous!"

Billy froze slightly at the nickname, a warm feeling buzzing in his chest. Why the hell was he reacting like this? Many people thought he was good looking and had told him so, yet he had never had such a fuzzy feeling before. He coughed lightly, distracting from his sudden halt.

"Yeah, whatever Sparky." He grumbles walking next to the leather clad boy. Turning his head slightly as he felt heat rise to his cheeks. He struggled with the thought in his head for a bit, side-eying the boy briefly, deciding that he was just annoyed at being left in that classroom.

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