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"Piper, truth or dare?" Clint asked.

"Truth, I've already eaten tide pods, and photo-bombed a ton of tourists."

"Tell us your darkest secret."

"It's not dark but I had amnesia for a few days a while back and told no one."


Funny, not so funny story. This guy punched me. I don't know for sure if he punched me but when I got up he said, "You're so weak I punched you once and you were unconscious."

I have no idea who this guy is or where I am so I just nodded and said, "Next time I'll be more careful."

Honestly, who is that guy? Who am I?

I left the room to find the lady who I assume is the nurse staring me in the face.

"Piper, are you feeling okay? Mr. Thompson said you'd fainted in the hallway," she asked.

"He punched me," I said bluntly.

"He what?"

"When I woke up he said he punched me."

The nurse's eyebrows scrunched together before she said, "You're Aunt May is here to pick you up, Piper. I'll report Mr. Thompson. Your friend, Ned, packed up your stuff and brought it to the office so you're ready to leave."

"Thank you." My aunt may? What about my mom? Or my dad? Who's Ned?

I walked to where the office was and grabbed the only bag I saw. It was really light for how stuffed it looked.

"Piper, hey. How are you feeling?"

I assumed it was my Aunt May who said that, "I'm feeling okay. My head feels like I hit it against the ground. I'm a little dizzy. I'll be fine though."

"You better young lady," Maybe May hugged me and said, "Let's get you home."

I smiled and nodded. It hit me suddenly that my parents were dead. I"d known this information for years but it just suddenly hit me. I was with my Aunt May who'd taken me in. What about Ben?

I didn't ask. It'd probably be more of a hassle than I need if I can't remember who people are. It's also kind of rude to point at someone and go, "Hey who the hell are you? A kid punched me and I don't remember anything." Yeah, that would be pretty rude.

When we got to the apartment I assume is home Aunt may looked at me and said, "I know today's hard, with it being the anniversary of Ben's death. It's hard for me too but what really happened at school today? I know you don't faint."

"Nothing happened, I'm fine."

"The office said that Flash kid you're always grumbling about was the one to find you. I know that wasn't a coincidence."

"Maybe I did faint. It's kind of temperature outside." I pawed at the air and May laughed.

"That's the Piper I know. I got a bunch of movies. We can have a marathon and I'll make some lasagna."

It hit me, "How about I make lasagna." May burns water if she has the chance.

May laughed and said, "Maybe that's a good idea. You aren't going to sneak out tonight are you?"

I sneak out? Why would I sneak out? Do I usually sneak out?

I shook my head, "Nope."

We walked in and May walked to grab the movies she bought while I moved towards the kitchen.

My phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and it said someone named Tony Stark was calling me.


"Happy's at the school waiting to pick you up, where are you?"

"I fainted at school so May picked me up."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a small headache. I'll be fine."

"Ok, You can come over tomorrow instead. It's fine, kid."


"Bye, kid."

I hung up and placed my phone on the counter. I pulled the lasagna out of the fridge and turned on the oven to the right temperature.

Past that I had no idea what to do. The box gave me instructions but I had no idea where anything was.

"Shit..." I whispered to myself. I eventually found the right pan and put the lasagna in the oven.

"Karen set a timer for 20 minutes," I said automatically. Who the hell is Karen? My phone screen lit up with a timer. I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

"What do you want to watch first?" May asked.


The next day I was picked up by a guy named Happy. I'd remembered basically everything the night before but I just couldn't place Tony Stark. Happy wasn't very Happy.

I just looked out the window trying not to freak out about the looks he kept shooting me in the mirror.

"Are you okay?"


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... why?"

"You are usually talking my ear off."

"Sorry. I'm tired." I made a dumb excuse. Sorry I'm not talking your ear off. I don't even know who you are. I found your car by pure luck.

"I heard you fainted yesterday, you okay?"

"I'm fine." I stated firmly. Please leave me alone.

Mr. Stark kept asking me what was wrong too. In the end I told him my uncle died 2 years ago the day before. He left me alone after that.

When my memories all finally came back I had to laugh at myself. I'd been scared of offending people by asking them who they were. Instead I acted like the opposite of what I usually do and probably offended people more.


"WHAT? When?" Tony asked.

"Uh... remember when I was acting really rude? And then I blamed it on my uncle dying?"

"Yeah, the day after you fainted at schoo- you didn't faint at school did you."

"Obviously not. This kid punched me in the face and my head hit a locker really hard. I reported him for the first time because I forgot the reason I hadn't reported him before now. Then, I proceeded to act like a bitch for the next 2 days. I barely remembered May, and everyone. I was literally ignoring Happy in the car because he was asking if I was okay and I had no idea who the hell he was. Tony kept bugging me and I was ready to wring his neck and yell who the hell are you but anyway... Bucky, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to dye your hair pink," I said ignoring the shocked looks on everyone's faces.

So... I've gotten a bunch of comments already and I'm SO HAPPY! I had the idea for this because I'm weird and I saw something on Pinterest that was john mulaney saying that if he had amnesia he would probably be polite instead of like yelling who are you? I was like that sounds like something peter parker would do and it lead me to writing this. It sucks. I know.


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