The Blood Reds

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When people ask Piper and MJ how they met their answer is always the same. They met in school. Well, the first time they were asked one person said "the gym" and the other person said "school". They both immediately corrected themselves to say they met in gym class at school.

Ever since that though, they've had a well rehearsed story about how they met. Which they either say or they just say it's been too long and they don't remember how they met.

School isn't where they met, if you can't tell.

They grew up together. You'd think they wouldn't have to lie about that, right? Well, when you grow up where they did you don't really have any other choice. Especially if you don't want to go back. Ever.

They grew up in the red room. MJ is the greatest spy the world has never seen and Piper is the greatest assassin the world has never heard of. They grew up as a duo. They lived together, trained together, died together. That's all the girls knew.

They became known as the blood reds. They wore blood red headscarves and anyone who saw the scarf that had heard of them knew they weren't going to be going home that night.

The only person to ever meet the blood reds and survive their attacks was the Winter Soldier. They were sent to kill him when they were 12 years old. The Winter Soldier is better than them. He knew they were coming and they almost didn't make it out of that mission alive.

When the widows were 14 years old they were sent to kill a woman in New York City. MJ watched her for 3 days determining her schedule and anything that could be used against her. She gave her findings to Piper who used it to kill her. Piper slid into her apartment. The woman they were supposed to kill was about to wake up. It would be best to strike before that happened.

The woman woke up right as Piper was ready to kill her.

She swept her feet into Piper's chest. Piper stood her ground instead of the insulin shot she was going to use; she would need a messier approach. She pulled out a knife. A gun would be too loud.

She swept at the woman hitting her in the leg as the woman quickly climbed out of her bed. Piper didn't let up as the woman tried to punch and kick.

Piper slit the woman's side which incapacitated the woman long enough for Piper to get the woman in a chokehold.

"I know what you're here for," The woman rasped.

Right as Piper pulled the knife across the woman's throat a red canister of dust exploded in front of her face.

"Ебать" Piper coughed. All of a sudden everything seemed more real. The floor beneath her feet was there. The knife in her hand was covered in blood. Blood red.

Piper dropped the knife as the woman fell to the ground holding her throat.

Piper's eyes widened in panic. She'd just killed this woman.

"Nononononono..." Piper whispered.

She pressed down on the woman's throat trying to stem the bleeding but it was no use.

"Listen to me, girl. The rest is in the cabinet. You have to make more. You can save them." The woman died in front of Piper. Piper had her blood on her gloved hands.

"Обновлять?" update? MJ asked through the comm.

"Она мертва. Получение груза." She's dead. Getting cargo. Piper whispered. The way her voice broke was definitely going to be noticeable. She had to get the cartridge and use it on MJ fast before MJ killed her.

She rushed to the cabinet. It was strange now that her actions weren't being controlled. She pulled out the canister. There were 3 canisters. She could use one on MJ and would have 2 left to replicate.

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