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requested by bisexu-gal yay I finally did it!!! it's short but I tried to make it cute. Yes, MJ is a top. 

Blood comes from a lot of places. A bullet wound, a stab wound, practically any wound that pierces the skin. Unfortunately, a uterus is one of those places.

Piper Parker can not stand her period. It is Satan's sacrificial waterfall of hell. Think about how it would be for a normal geeky kid with an above average GPA, then think about if that kid had super senses and constantly did things that she really shouldn't.

"Are you okay?" Ned asked.


"Ok, just making sure."

He's a good friend like that but he has no idea what's actually going on. Boys tend to be like that whether they mean to or not. His response probably comes from the time I said I was fine when I got shot and then I called him 20 minutes later because I got a paper cut on my math homework and couldn't find the Looney Tune band aids with Bugs Bunny and The Roadrunner.

"Hey, Loser, are you okay?"

"No." You'd think my girlfriend wouldn't call me Loser. But here we are. Michelle is special like that. I love her anyways.

"What's up?"

"I'm cramptastic thanks for asking"

"Can you still thwip thwap?" spider noises.

"No, Yesterday I had an accident in the suit and it was so embarrassing."

"Bring your suit to my house after school. I have one of those stuffed animals you shove in the microwave and my mom bought some special soap specifically for periods. We can watch Star Wars and chill."

"Thank you, Queen."

"You're welcome, Peasant."

I groaned again and hit my forehead against the desk. MJ pulled out her people in crisis book and gave me a hold still look. Not like I was moving, meanie.

I walked to MJ's house clutching my stomach the whole way. I climbed up the wall and slid in her window.

"Hey, Loser." MJ said without looking up.

"Hey." I said with my face being pressed into the hardwood floor of her room.

"I got you this on the way home from school." MJ tossed something at me. I reached up and caught it without looking up from my spot on the floor.

I shrugged off my backpack and finally escaped from the floor's trap. The bottle was pain medicine.

"I figured you'd need a higher dose and I don't have much so I got you a whole bottle."

I shoved like 10 of the pills in my mouth and somehow managed to swallow them down all at once. I pushed myself onto MJ's bed. She grabbed her laptop and pulled up Star Wars.

"Don't die while I grab the bear okay?"

"I'm already dead. You're talking to pure ghost." I muttered.

"Whatever, you bleed on the sheets you're burning them."



Mj smiled slightly at her sleeping girlfriend. She opened her notebook to the page on the opposite side of the one she'd drawn earlier and drew a picture of her asleep. She was finally at peace.

"I love you, Loser," she whispered.

Piper grinned slightly into the pillow her face was up against. Her girlfriend loved her.

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