Upside down.

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I wanted to write a story with a chapter title that had a double meaning. I'm sorry.

I was chilling upside down.

Correction: Because the avengers are idiots I was captured along with Hawkeye.

I'm in a room with Clint Barton. Our feet are cuffed to the ceiling. So, yeah, I'm chillin upside down.

Everything below my head was immobile. The tranq they used on me was meant for people without hypermetabolism so I'd already awoken but my body was still in a state of paralysis.

The feeling returned to my shoulders after a little while. Slowly but surely I could move my arms.

I noticed Clint's eyes were open now. He was blinking but they seemed to be the only thing he could move. His face was turning bright red. He would pass out in a matter of minutes.

"Hey, blink once if you can hear me." I hissed.

He blinked once.

The feeling hadn't returned to my knees yet but I twisted myself up so I could grab onto the ceiling.

"Wh..yuh..duhin?" Clint slurred.

"I can stay upside down forever but you are about to pass out again and I'm not carrying around a passed out avenger."

I maneuvered myself as much as I could with my feet still chained to the ceiling and grabbed Clint's arm. I lifted him up and webbed his hands to the ceiling.

"G..t the weub... ooofa muh."

"Can't understand what you're saying."

My legs still didn't work.

"I said get the web off me."

"Do you want to pass out?"

"Uh... no."

"Then I'm not getting the web off your hands." I reached over to the chains on my feet and broke the one on my left foot. Then the one on my right foot.

I dropped down to the floor which was a mistake.

"Stupid legs," I muttered. I pulled myself across the floor and shot a web at the handle of the door. I pulled lightly so it wouldn't make noise and found that it was unlocked.

I grinned. I pulled myself farther up the wall and said, "Do you want me to break your chains."

Clint nodded. I could bend my knee but I still couldn't feel my feet so I wouldn't be able to stick them to the ceiling. I pushed myself over to the wall and climbed up the wall with my hands.

I could finally feel my feet so I stuck them to the ceiling and held Clint's feet as I broke the chain with one hand. Then I pulled the web off of his hands and held his hands as I let go of his feet.

"Can you stand?" I asked.

"I don't even know how you're moving, I can barely feel my face."

"So, I'm carrying you. Got it."

"How. Can. You. Move."

"Enhanced metabolism. My tongue is so dry right now I might gag and my stomach feels like I haven't eaten food in a week so it's probably been about half a day since we were taken, maybe a little more."

"Yikes, I'll find you some food when we get out"

"DOWN!" I called and broke the chain on his feet. He didn't fall because I had a firm grip on his feet but his face was panicked.

"Don't drop me!" his arms were hanging down next to his head.

"I won't. Geez. You aren't even heavy. I lifted up a building."

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