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I got minorly obsessed with harry potter/ron weasly/hermione granger over my month long (ish) hiatus and thought piper/michelle/ned might be cute. like peter/ned is a really cute ship. soooooo I wrote this all today, please don't judge too harshly.

The Avengers didn't really know what to say. What to do. It isn't every day that they discover the girl they all thought of as a daughter or a niece or some random variation of family was a cheater. But she was! And she didn't even try to hide it! She had a girlfriend AND a boyfriend! And she hung out with them both all the time! Sometimes they even hung out at the tower as a group!

The Avengers figured that their best course of action would be to tell her boyfriend and girlfriend, but that never seemed to work out. They would either fail to bring up the topic or the teen that they were speaking to would change the topic or even Piper would walk into the room.

It was impossible. Piper, Ned, and Michelle were all inseparable and it was painful for the avengers to know Piper's secret but they didn't know how to bring it up without hurting the trio.

"Tony, you're basically her dad, you need to talk to her about it and explain that it's wrong to cheat."

Tony scowled but agreed.

Later that night, when Piper was eating dinner Tony spoke up.

"So... how is your girlfriend?"

"She's good," Piper said.

"And your boyfriend?" Tony asked.

"He's good too," Piper said with a frown. When nothing else was said Piper said, "Do you have something to say to me?"

"They don't deserve to be cheated on," Tony started, "I don't know who you were dating first but-"

Piper cut him off, "Excuse me?"


"I'm not a cheater, Tony."

"You have a boyfriend and a girlfriend."

"Yes, I do, and I love them both," Piper fired back. Tony could visibly see her getting pissed. Piper had also started eating faster.

"You have somewhere to be?" Tony asked.

"Yes, anywhere but here," Piper spoke as she practically shoveled food into her mouth.

"Tell me this, do your partners know?" Tony asked.

Piper frowned at him and said, "Yeah, why wouldn't they? They're dating each other too, the fuck?"

Before Tony could ask another question, and possibly shove his foot further in his mouth, Piper ran to the sink, cleaned off her plate, and left as fast as she could.

The next thing he knew he was alone in the kitchen. About 15 minutes later Clint walked in and asked, "Did you talk to her?"

Tony was still sitting in the same position, staring at the same section of wall, as when Piper had left, "Yes."

"And? Is she going to break up with one of them? Is she going to come clean? What do you guys discuss?" Clint pushed.

"I- I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"I mean I don't know. I don't understand teenagers and their relationships!" Tony put his head in his hands, he didn't like not understanding.

F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke up and said, "Piper told me to give you a message."

"What's the message?"

"Google polyamory, Mr. Stark." played over the speaker in the kitchen. There was a small hitch in Piper's voice as the recording played... was she crying? The Mr. Stark was a low blow. It had taken forever for Tony to convince her to not call him and that and now here he was, back at square one, and he'd ruined the trust his intern had in him.

He should've trusted her.

Clint spoke up, "Polyamory is the practice of having multiple intimate relationships, whether sexual or romantic, with the full knowledge and consent of every party involved."

Tony slammed his head into the table as if giving himself a concussion would fix the newly formed gap between him and Piper.

Because Piper lived in the tower she came back that night, but she avoided Tony like he was the plague. She avoided everyone if she could help it.

The next time Michelle and Ned came over they stayed in Piper's room the whole time. This is what led the Avengers to watching them over a camera. Piper's room wasn't the only one with a camera. All of them did but bathrooms.

The trio was watching a movie while Piper laid her head in her girlfriend's lap and her legs in her boyfriend's lap. Piper and Ned were talking about some strange theory related to the movie they were watching while Michelle was laughing at the failed attempts to throw popcorn in her mouth.

"You guys are losers," Michelle snorted.

"Why do you date us then?" Ned asked. It was clearly a joke between the tree of them but Piper stiffened.

"Piper?" Michelle asked as the smaller girl sat up quickly and pulled her legs to her chest.

The avengers were confused, why would this harmless question affect Piper this way?

"Do you guys think this is weird?" she asked.

Ned paused the movie while Michelle asked, "Is this about what Stark said?"

"You aren't a cheater," Ned spoke clearly, "none of us are. We both love you and each other and you love us."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You guys mean the world to me and I would never do anything to hurt you or something... and he shouldn't have been able to get under my skin like that but he did and I don't know why because I've been called a cheater before. I-"

"You don't have to explain," Michelle murmured, "It's okay."

Piper nodded as she buried her face in her hands, "I'm sorry."

"If I kick Stark's ass would you feel better?" MJ asked.

"No," Piper shook her head, "please don't."

"Ok. Just checkin'"

"That's why you're dating me? Your life long dream of beating up Tony Stark."

"It just sounds fun," Michelle agreed.

Piper laughed and the Avengers all felt nothing but guilt. In trying to help Piper they had destroyed her confidence in her relationship.

Piper wasn't a cheater.

And if they had thought it through...

Maybe they would've realized that.

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