Bullet Jar

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this is short but I tried to add a little fluff. I suck at fluff. HAVE FUN READING!

Piper Parker has been Spider-Woman for a long time. Since she was 14. In that time she's been shot and stabbed more than once. The first time she had of course panicked and pulled the bullet out with her fingers. She dropped it in a jar.

The next time she was a little more prepared. She'd practiced giving stitches to a piece of fabric. She's less scared.


2 bullets in the jar.

The next time she was stabbed. It was a small knife. Probably meant for combat. She got another jar for the knife.

Soon both jars had filled up. She got another 2 jars.

Those filled up a little slower but not by much.








Piper never stopped doing it.

She hid the jars under her bed. After they were full she never looked at them again. It was easy for her to forget about how many times he had been shot over the years. All of the stab wounds.

After the blip, Tony came to her apartment. Her aunt had turned to dust as well leaving it vacant when he opened the door. He walked around as if taking in the small apartment. Smaller than anything he would dare to live in. He opened the fridge to see it almost empty. The cabinets were actually empty. One went so far as to have cobwebs.

"The blip happened a week ago. Where did all their food go?" Tony whispered out loud.

He noticed the report cards and things in a neat stack outside of one of the bedroom doors and opened it.

The room was the same as the last time he saw it. Small bed, kind of cramped. Crappy desk. He poked the attic with a broom and nothing came out unlike last time.

He sat down on the bed. He could see Piper's influence in the entire room. Half of it was painted blue, the rest was taped off as if she was getting ready to paint it. He noticed a jar sticking out from under her bed and bent down. There were at least 5 jars down there. 2 full of knives, 3 full of bullets.

Tony pulled out the farthest one. The bullets weren't bloody. Tony would've almost preferred they were.

He pulled them all out and could just barely make out small dates written on the lids. When they were completely filled.

The knives were bent un naturally so they could all fight in the jars.

Tony was all of a sudden scared. Had Piper been shot with all of these? She had to have, right? Why was she collecting them? How often did she get shot?

He picked up the one covered in the most dust and took it with him.

5 years later -


"Yeah, Morgan?"

"Why do you have a jar in the garage full of metal thingeys?"

"You remember when I told you the story of Spiderwoman?"

"Yeah! My big sister that died fighting Thanos! She's awesome!"

"That jar was hers. She filled it with bullets that were shot at her. I'm not sure what she was going to do with it."

Morgan ran into her tent and ran back out with the jar of bullets. It was giving off a faint glow.

"What did you do to it?"

"Nothing! I just shook it a lot!"

"Hmm. Maybe one day you'll be able to ask her why it glows."


"Are you Piper?"

Piper stood alone at the edge of the water. She spun around to see a little girl holding one of her jars.

"Yes, and who might you be?"

"I'm Morgan. Daddy said you would've been my big sister."

Piper gave her a sad smile and said, "What're you doing with my jar?"

"Daddy had it in his garage so I took it. He told me I should ask you why it glows."

Piper gave a sad smile and said, "I wanted to prove to myself that more than pain could come from those bullets."

Morgan smiled and said, "I named the jar Jerry. We had a tea party with Daddy a couple days ago."

Piper felt tears form in her eyes as she said, "See, I was proven right."

"Will you be my big sister?" Morgan asked.

Piper grinned.


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