Honey, I'm gay

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This was requested by sav_and_the_phantoms (How do u do the mentions thing? nvm i figured it out)  so... YAYYY!

Aunt may bashing in this chapter, sorry y'all. This chapter is literally all of my worst fears realized so when I saw the prompt I just jumped on it. It's kind of a vent chapter ngl.


"Aunt May," I walked up to her.

"What's up, Pipes?"

"I... I - uh.."

"Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is, you can tell me."


"You mean Michelle?"


May sat unmoving for a minute before her mouth turned to a frown, "You can't go."

"I- Excuse me?"

"You can't go. In fact, get out!"


"This is a sin, Piper. I'm helping you."

I felt my heart tear itself to pieces as I said, "Love is love whether I love a girl or a boy."

"That isn't what god said, Pipes. I'm sorry but you have to find another place to stay."

"I've lived here all my life! This is my home!"

"Not. Any. More. GET OUT!"

She shoved me out the door and I heard the click of the lock.

Tears fell down my cheeks.

I fumbled for my phone. Who would i- what am I going to do? May was my only- I"m going to go into foster care- nonononono.

My fingers pressed the contact for Tony before I even knew what I was doing.

"Hey, kid. What's up?"

"I need-I-I need a place to stay," I said between sobs, "I- please... Mr. Stark."

"Yeah, sure, whatever. It isn't a problem. I'll send Happy to pick you up. Where are you?"

"Outside of May's."

I hung up quickly after that. I went outside and sat on the curb. My tears turned to full on sobbing which is what I was doing when Happy pulled up.

"Tony sent me to pick you up. What's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. You're sitting there sobbing your eyes out. I've seen you with bullet holes in your body and you weren't even crying. What happened?"


Happy helped me into the car. My sobbing turned into small hics that punctuated the deafening silence in the car.

"Hey, Piper, you going to be alright? If you ever need anything, call me," Happy said, looking directly at me in the rearview mirror.

"I will."


"What happened kid?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Ok, I won't press. I'll call May and let her know you're he-"

"NO! Actually, I'm fine. Please don't tell her. Please-" I was about to web the phone out of his hand. What if he called her and told him that I liked girls and then he kicked me out or took the suit or- no. Tony wouldn't do that.

But May did. Of all people- May-

Stop thinking about May. She's literally out of your life. You can sneak in and steal the suit from her along with your school stuff later. Chillax.

"I won't call May."

I tackled Tony in a hug, "Thank you."

He nodded, "Yeah, it's no problem."


A week later the Rouge Avengers were scheduled to meet with Tony. They didn't expect to see a sleep deprived me sitting in the kitchen eating a dry bowl of cereal with a fork while simultaneously adding ice to the coffee I'd made.

"Who are you?" Clint asked.

"You one of Tony's love children?"

"Why are you here?" Nat asked.

"I'm not even here. I don't know what you're talking about. Existence at all is a lie."

I drank my entire coffee in one really big gulp and picked up my bowl of dry cereal leaving before they could stop me.

I walked into the meeting room looking for Tony an hour later to hear them arguing with him.

"You are selfish, Stark! Why can't we stay here? What gives you the right to kick us out?"

"He owns the tower," I said from the doorway.(The fact that the entire fandom mostly ignores the fact that he sold the tower is hilarious)

"Why are you even here? A kid shouldn't be hanging around a facility like this."

"First off, YOU LEFT TONY TO DIE! Second, I'm here because... well... Honey, I'm gay. My aunt didn't take it well. I was kicked out. Third, you are doing more harm than I am by being here so you can get your self-righteous ass out of this building before I kick you out myself."

"I'd like to see you try." Steve glared.


I walked back into the meeting room that was now captain america-less and said, "Anyone else?"

The rest of the rogues shook their heads.


"You didn't tell me that was why you were staying here," Tony leaned on the door of my room.

I sat next to my backpack which I'd packed in my transe of overreacting that I'd let that slip.

"I didn't want it to happen again." I muttered.


"I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO KICK ME OUT TOO! I already lost May. I can't lose the man who's been my hero since I was a little kid. Sorry I lied. I'll leave."

"No! I'm not kicking you out! Why would you think that?"

I grimaced and said, "I don't know, okay? I didn't expect May to kick me out!"

"How would you feel about me adopting you?"

I stared at him in shock, "You'd- you- you'd do that- for me?"


I hugged him.

"Thank you, dad."

He hugged me harder, "No problem kid. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you."

Hope this works! This is the first time I've ever done a request!

No one should fucking kick out their kid. That is the definition of evil. I don't care if your god told you it was wrong. I guarantee that is not what he meant. Have a nice day.

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