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I got tagged by SOALANGELOisbest. It was probably a month ago and I didn't notice but yk...

1. I don't really know. Maybe Halloween. On Halloween you can dress up how ever you want and get a crap ton of candy soo...

2. I want to adopt a kid. I don't know what age or gender but I want to.

3.yesssss I want to get married!!

4. I write fanfiction :/

5. I really don't know. I mean, I regret making a wattpad acc because it now has consumed all of my time and attention but at the same time this is awesome sooo :) yeah 
I don't know.

6. I just want safety.

7. attacking my brothers in minecraft.

8. when my friend panics because of something I'm doing in minecraft.

9. my parents ;-; or dying in the nether in minecraft...

10. she's hot, nice, plays minecraft with me, she is smart, funny, and has a wattpad shit... She can't read this!!!!! :((

11. lunch? is lunch a subject in school? I go to an american public school it might as well be.

12. mint

13. idk man

14. NYU or Texas A&M. Anywhere but the college in the town I live in tbh.

15. india. Don't ask why. I don't know I just think it would be cool.

And I'm tagging.... Idk....

JN-2010(you're a random person I figured should be tagged.)

Bisexu-gal(thank you for commenting)

sav_and_the_phantoms(you comment a lot so now you get to be tagggged)

OreosUnknown(you commented once and now you're stuck here.)

sienita24(you commented, thank you)

partyingbitch (who did you have to kill to get that username?)

I just picked a bunch of random people that comment a lot on this. I'll try to update soon. bye.

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