Groundhog Day

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So.... I had this idea... than I couldn't figure out an ending.... so this is what you get.

Ok, so we all know about how Piper Parker is Spider-Woman. We all know about how she's sticky, and strong, and eats a lot. We all know all of that. Who wouldn't? She's Spider-woman. She gets back up no matter what happens to her.

But, there's a big part of that that we don't know. Hell, nobody save Piper knows.

Piper has died.

Oh no! She died!

Don't worry. She's alright. You see, Piper has died many times. So far the death count is 5.

She died once when she was 6, once when she was 15, and 3 times when she was 16.

Are you confused yet? Are you wondering how she pulled off these supernatural feats?

Well, I am too.

You see, when Piper was little... something happened. Nobody truly knows what. Not even Piper. It didn't have any noticeable side effects. But then, when Piper was 6 she went on a plane with her parents. The plane went down half way through the flight and Piper along with her parents died... only for Piper to wake up the morning before the flight, completely fine.

She proceeded to throw the biggest tantrum known to man only for her parents to leave her with her aunt and uncle. She went to bed that night knowing that she'd never see her parents again.

When she was 15 she was Spider-Woman. She went after the vulture and he turned her to dust with one of his weapons. She woke up again, and changed a few things just enough that she didn't die.

Now, we are at the time when she was 16. This time is the present.

Everyone that knew Piper knew she was acting almost robotically. Her words were practically rehearsed, she wasn't focused, hell even Flash noticed something was up.

Her aunt called Tony Stark for crying out loud!

"Do you know if something happened to Piper on patrol or something?" May asked.

"No, why?" Tony asked.

"She is just acting really weird and I don't know what's wrong."

"I'll call her and invite her over after school."

"Ok, she trusts you. Please help her with whatever it is."

That's how Piper ended up at the tower. It was freaking her out because she hadn't gone to the tower any of the other 3 times she'd lived this day and she wasn't sure how this would affect her living or dying.

"What's up?" Tony asked her.

"I'm fine," Piper responded automatically, "I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm not. I know May called you."

"If more than one person has asked if you're fine then you are not fine."

"I'm fine." Piper asserted, "Is that why I'm here? So you can force me to admit to something?"

"Boss, someone has entered the building."

"What do you mean someone has entered the building?" Tony asked, not taking his eyes off Piper as she visibly freaked out.

"Someone unidentified is in the lobby asking for Piper."

"I'll send her down," Tony spoke.

"Don't make me go down there!" Piper blurted.



"Why not?"

Tony grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the elevator.

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