Harry's Roommate

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I'm baaaaack after like a montttthhhhh. WELCOME BACK TO ME. anywhoooo I wrote yall a very awful oneshot that I didn't know how to end and I just kept writing. This is set post NWH (Piper's Version). 

Harry was all about doing anything to get away from his father. His father wanted him to be the perfect son. The perfect heir to his company. He sent him to boarding school after boarding school trying to show the world that his son was getting the best education money could buy.

So Harry choosing to go to NYU instead of MIT was a big fuck you to his dad. Not only would he be attending NYU but he was going to move into a dorm and everything. He was gonna have a normal roommate who would either hate him or suck up to him for money.

Except his roommate was late. They were supposed to get there between 10-3 for orientation except he didn't arrive. Every single other guy on their floor arrived but this mysterious "Parker" guy.

He also missed dinner with the teachers and getting an ID and everything you're supposed to do on the first day.

Harry wasn't excited when he found out there was going to be a party on their floor either. He opted to keep the door locked to keep any drunk/high/naked people out of his room.

At midnight there was a knock on the door. Harry ignored it assuming it was someone from the party that was still going on. Then he heard a key in the lock as the door opened and someone slipped in before shoving the door closed as fast as possible.

This must be Parker. He only had one bag over his shoulder. Or... er... her shoulder.

"Is this the wrong room?" she asked, "Because my key worked but this is clearly not a girls floor and I know this is the right building because I got to campus an hour ago."

"This is room 306," Harry managed, looking at the girl in morbid curiosity.

"Oh, so I am in the right room. Huh. They must have just screwed it up. Just my luck," She muttered, "Anyway, which room is yours?"

Harry pointed at the one he was standing in the doorway off.

"Oh, duh, sorry."

She locked the door behind her and moved towards her room.

Her hands had intricate spider web patterns and her hair was a hot pink undercut.

"Why are you so late?" Harry asked.

"I forgot it was today, so I had to let my landlord know. Then, I had to pack my stuff up. Then I had to go to work because it was too late to call in. Then I had to go to my other job, and then I had to go to my other job and by the time I got out of that it was 11 and I had to run back to my apartment to find that my landlord had already changed the locks and she had dumped my stuff the the office of the apartment building so I had to go find it and then I had to go get my key from the dorm office. I also hid from the part for about 20 minutes before figuring it would be easier to hide in my dorm room."

Harry felt kind of bad for her now, "Do your parents not help you out with any expenses?"

"Nah, if they could they would, I'm sure."

"And you didn't have anyone to remind you?"

"My phone has been dead for a week because my apartment didn't have any electricity."

"I meant friends," Harry harrumphed.

"I-" for the first time since she got here she didn't seem like she knew what to say, "I don't have any friends."

Harry fought the urge to scoff. Her vibrant personality screamed having friends. But he could tell she wasn't lying. The way she said it, it almost seemed like her friends had died or something worse than that.

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