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So... I m horrible at requests. I promise I will work on them eventually... that is just not right now. Here's this. The ending sucks. The whole things sucks. I love y'all.

Pretty much all of Midtown knew Piper Parker was Spider-Woman. They figured that it was the best kept secret of their school. After all, Piper didn't know they knew. Neither did Ned who'd been approached once and he'd quickly denied it.

What they didn't realize was that not only did their teachers know that Piper was Spider-Woman, but Piper knew they knew. She was on the discord server they made (they had no idea though, she never talked on it and the list of members was so extensive that no one paid close attention to it).

Piper was online when the message came through that said, 'ned knows. I asked him and he said a really stupid excuse about math.'

Piper was online when the message came through that said, 'I saw her having a panic attack in the bathroom. Anyone know how to help with those?'

MJ was the one that responded, 'you just have to be there and let her know that she's safe'

'But she isn't. It's midtown tech. We've had 3 gun threats this week and it's tuesday.'

'Lie then.' Betty responded.

Piper had to laugh. They'd started a list of things that they thought would trigger her. Piper made a list of all the ones that were right. She'd drop it in MJ's locker later.

Piper's phone buzzed. There was a fire 3 blocks down. She quickly got into her suit.

The next day she came to school exhausted. She fell asleep in no less than 3 classes and had burns covering her hands. Between each class she had to go to the bathroom to turn the sink on cold water.

A random girl she'd never talked to walked over to her and said, "I have an ice pack, if you need it."

Piper had to resist laughing as she accepted it, "Thanks, I burned my hands on a pot yesterday and it's been bugging me all day."

The girl smiled knowing Piper'd just lied to her face. After a minute of them standing there awkwardly Piper handed back the ice pack and left.

Piper fell asleep in the class after that. It was AP Spanish and she had a test in that class. She was awoken by another kid she'd never talked to before saying, "Test's been moved to tomorrow."

"Thank god," Piper muttered.

When Piper checked her discord there were a ton of people making comments on how her hands were burned and on how she kept falling asleep.

In her last class a teacher sent her to the nurse because she kept wincing everytime she used her pencil. She got fancy cooling bandages for her hands.

After school she walked home. She opened the discord and saw that the most recent topic was what happened when Piper went to space.

'Anyone remember when Piper had that panic attack after Abe mentioned Footloose?'

'I remember that, damn'

'She's the youngest person to ever go to space'

'I doubt it was a good experience. She turned to dust, remember'

'Imagine she found out about this. This whole server might give her a panic attack.'

Piper had to laugh.

She couldn't do much as SpiderWoman that afternoon because her hands were too hurt to swing but she did stuff like grab cats out of trees and help old ladies across the street. She even helped one person carry groceries(It hurt her hands but oh well)

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