Prank gone wrong

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Sorry for not updating in a while. This sucks and I wrote it like a year ago for some reason... anyway I'll probably write a part 2 if I ever remember what I had planed for the second part. Sorry it's so short guys...

Piper hadn't pranked anyone in a while. No one pranked her because she had a spidey sense(Not that they knew that) and she always caught them in the act. Therefore, she decided to pelt Steve Rogers with toilet paper.

It wasn't the best idea, so... she got Clint on it so she could blame him when something inevitably went wrong. Then, he got Wanda in on it.

What they didn't expect was for Steve to immediately turn around and punch the first person he saw. This being Piper.

"OOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" she complained, grabbing her nose.

"I'm sorry, Piper. We'll take you to bruce... How much does it hurt?"

She shook her head and blood leaked out of her nose. She reached up to it despite their protests and reset as if she'd done it a million times before.

"What the fuck?"

"What? You don't know how to reset your own nose?"

"Of course I do! Why do you know how to do that?"

"I don't know...?"

"Have you ever broken your nose before?"

"Oooh yeah."


"I'm gonna go."

"You have blood leaking out of your nose. You're not going anywhere."

Piper grabbed a piece of toilet paper off the floor and held it under her bleeding nose.

"How is your nose not the size of a fucking grapefruit?"

"Because I know how to reset my nose."

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Home! I just got my nose broken! My aunt is gonna kill me!"

"You can't go home like this!"

"I've gone home worse than this. I currently have 3 gunshot wounds, a broken rib, and a headache that will not leave me alone so if you do not leave me alone I will force my way out."


"I'm a fucking vigilante assholes not let me go home before my aunt thinks I died!"

"How would she know-"

Piper webbed his mouth shut and said, "Conversation over. This doesn't leave the four of us. FRIDAY mastercode alpha-tony-stark-is-awesome-delta erase all footage from the last 15 minutes to make it look like no one was in here."



She was gone before any of them could say anything.

"Well, now we know just how egotistical Tony is."

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