7. Changed Feelings

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After challenges Kinn, Porsche is very worried, he himself tensed about his challenge, korn and Big understand everything just by the look of Porsche that he is thinking about chalenge.....

Then Big go to Porsche and whisper something in his ear, that makes his face sparkle..... when Korn see that he thinks

"Few moments ago, he is very much tensed, what did Big said that makes him that much happy".......


Kinn sit in his office, he is also thinking about Porsche's challenge and how does he know about Porsche's plan.
If Once he knows about his plan, he never let Porsche successful in his plan ......

After some time.....

Big come to kinn's office , but when he sees kinn's facial expressions he can easily understand that Kinn is also thinking about Porsche's challenge.......

When Kinn see big in his cabin , he asked "when did you come"...... when Big hears that
"I'm here for a long time but what happens to you? , why do you looks so lost?"...... Big asked, as Kinn tell him about that he thinks Porsche's challenge , after listens to him, Big didn't react and look forward to the files, but Kinn just stare at him for some time, when Big notices kinn......

"Why are you looking at me, is something strange to my face"... Big asked....then Kinn became excited and ask "do you help help me, you find out about what going on Porsche's mind and tell me, after that I will failed his all plans "........
After listens his words Big think in his mind " now what can I do?, I himself help Porsche to conquer your heart and if I refuse him , he will definitely learns that I'm helping Porsche "......inner Big.....

When Kinn see Big was just silent, then he asks " what happened, why don't you say something, tell me you can't help me or don't want to help me "....... After thinks for sometime, Big said "No, it's not like that, but how could I know what Porsche is thinking?"......

After listens to Big. Kinn explains that " he be friend with Porsche and try to learns about his plan , so that how he can make his place in kinn's heart " as listens to kinn's words, big nodded his head as yes.........


Porsche sat in his room and searches tips on internet, how to persuade his husband,Kinn.....

In first tip : it's written that cooks delicious food and serves his husband , that reduces husband's anger.....

According to tip,. Porsche busy in cooking and makes something special for kinn, but he didn't know what kinn likes or not, so he go to Khun 's Room, when tanakhun saw him , he invites Porsche in the room and ask "what's bring you here".......

"Phi, I want to cook food for Kinn, but I don't know what he likes or not"..... Porsche said...

"Ohoho, want to cook food for his husband, only for him, not for us".. tanakhun asked teasingly....

"It's not like that phi, it's just, it's......" Porsche said nervously.....

"Relax Porsche, I'm just kidding, let me help you, I will tell you what Kinn likes or not"...... tanakhun said and tells him all kinn's favourite dishes name.....kinn prefer American dishes more over Thai dishes more because he lived in US more than 11 years, but he likes Thai food also...... and it's not hard for Porsche to make these dishes, because he himself a chef, he just need some practice.......

In the night

Everyone gathers on the dining hall for dinner, today Porsche cooks dinner for everyone by his own hands but no one knows that dinner was made by Porsche except tanakhun because he doesn't tell anyone about that, otherwise Kinn learns that he doesn't eat food......

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