14. Kinn's care - l

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After Vegas left from kinn's cabin, Kinn calls Leo and said " keep an eye on Vegas and his assistant Ken, I want his all information.".... after that Kinn cut the call....

Kinnporsche both are busy in their work, then only Big calls him. He received the call...

"Khun Kinn, Khun Chan Apichart is here in meeting room waiting for you. I'm also here so you also come here. "..... Big said to Kinn....

"Okay"....said Kinn cut the call.....

"Porsche, take Apichart enterprise contract file and come with me to the meeting room. "..... Kinn said in his bossy aura and go from there towards meeting room, Porsche takes the file and follow him behind.....


Kinn enters in the office room where Chan and his assistant Jom already waiting for him....

Kinn enters and sit on the head chair without greetings Chan. Porsche doesn't like his behaviour with his business associates, so he greets him on behalf of Kinn while Chan give him a genuine smile after that he go and stands beside Kinn with with files.....

Chan greets him but Kinn give him just a professional look and nods . Chan understand that Kinn is still very angry with whatever happened two years before, they are business associates from korn's time but Kinn is always very professional with him beside that he never talks to him.....

Both had talk to each other professionally as Kinn doesn't like to talk much with Chan, Porsche also can noticed his behaviour, feels bad to see kinn's treatment towards his one of the business partner but keep silent.....

After some time, meeting ends, Kinn and Chan both agreed to their own mutual term and conditions and shake hands . When Chan is about to go, he puts hands on Porsche's head and said "God! Bless you "..... and go from there, Porsche feels Affinity in his touch and his touch make him feel a fatherly love but don't know why ?, That makes him confuse . He ignored his thoughts and busy in his work and preparation of board meeting.......

After coming out from meeting room , Chan goes out then suddenly he bumped to an employee , he looks at that employee and smile as that employee also returns the smile and give him a pendrive. Chan smirk to see the pendrive and go from there, and that employee is revealed as Joss, Porsche's friend who is with Porsche and Pete all time in office......


In the evening,

As office hours finished, everyone return to their home while Porsche stands in the parking area waiting for Kinn, then suddenly he feels someone's presence behind him......

He turns around and saw a black shadow , he became scared....

"Who is that , who is that come infront??".... Porsche said scaredily , noone is come but hears some scary sounds that makes him scare as Porsche is really scared of ghosts.....

"W.h.o....i.s..t.h.e..re..".... Porsche stammers and runs in opposite directions then suddenly he bumped to a hard thing that makes him more scare and in fear he closed his eyes tightly......

"Please leave me, don't eat me , don't do anything to me, please , please"..... Porsche starts blabbering in fear then suddenly he hears a familiar voice that makes him relaxed a little......

"Porsche! What happened?? Why are you so scared??"...... Kinn asked him with concern and worry....

Porsche hugs him tightly and said..."where are you, I'm so scared to be alone . "..... Kinn understand his situation that he is very scared.....

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