Sirens [Soraxx+Alevi]

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Classic ships, POSSIBLY background charluca?

Jaxx, Charlie, and Levi were all getting ready to go to the beach, though the one they were going to wasn't public, but was rather one that had a bunch of warnings to not go to.

Charlie had trouble deciding if she was gonna wear her one piece, or bikini.
So she called the boys over who were already in their swimming trunks to help her decide.
Both of them said it would probably be best for her to wear the one piece, because it's more protection in case if something were to happen.

After everyone was ready, Jaxx carried the towels, and other things to the car as they got in.
They drove off, Levi being the driver of course.
It was a hot day, so it was kinda uncomfortable to be sitting on the burning leather seats.

When they arrived, the three set up the blankets, and the other things they brought.
They were quite happy that they had the practically whole beach to themselves on such a hot and beautiful day.

Charlie wouldn't go into the deep parts of the water, as she was a little scared to do so.
Levi walked out pretty far, to where he didn't even touch the bottom anymore.

"C'mon, it's not that bad! Don't be a big baby, Charlie.."

"I'm not a baby! I just don't want to."

Charlie crossed her arms, and tilted her head, but when she looked back, Levi was nowhere to be seen.


Right then at that moment, he came up out of the water right by her. Charlie was startled, and glared at Levi.


"Don't do that, Levi!"

Levi swam back out to the deep end, continuing to swim. Suddenly, Levi heard something.. it was a beautiful voice calling him from under the water, Levi ignored it for a while before he saw something by his feet, he was confused, as it was pink, and not many things were pink in the common ocean.
Levi continued to ignore it, but then he felt something had grasped his ankle, and pull him under, he didn't get a good look. The figure looked like a blonde girl, with fins behind her ears, and ... A fish tail?
The girl looked to also have some sharp teeth.

The girl let Levi back up, leaving him scarred for a while. Levi swam back, trying to catch his breath.
Jaxx rushed over to give him some help by patting his back a few times .

"Dude are you okay? What happened?!"

"I.. I don't know, but I think something pulled me under..?"

Charlie rushed over a few seconds later.

Charlie questioned Levi.
"Describe it then!"

"Pink tail ..? Golden hair.. scales along the sides...? I think there were fins behind the ears, I couldn't tell. "

" Well... We can stay a little longer, and then figure out what happened? Maybe tomorrow we can investigate.. "
Said Jaxx .

" Fine. "

Levi stood up, and sat down on one of the blankets, deciding to stay there for the rest of the time they stayed there.

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