Day 1) Holding hands

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It was a normal and quiet day in the castle of nightmares. No ruckus was being made, the guys were doing their duties, and they should be done with them in no time. Then they will have some time on their own before dinner.
Nightmare sat in his large and tall thrown. It was made of heavy thick stone, painted or possibly was just black from the start when carved. But that thrown was full of negativity and evil. And what sat on top of was the definition of evil. Nightmare had both of his elbows on the throw side arms with his hands on his thighs. His legs were crossed. The negativity in the castle was stable. Which kept Nightmare at peace. But he was bored. Kings of Nightmares get bored sometimes. Sitting in a thrown all day while doing paper work is not very amusing. Especially if you haven't had a good kill in a while. Well that's what Nightmare and his gang say.

Cross walk into the large room with large windows that could reach the ceiling. Large drapes hanging down to block any access light. The room was dark with black and purple walls, a large rug lead up to the thrown, it was a dark blood red with faded gold edging. Cross walked on the long rug all the way up to the thrown. Bowing and greeting his fellow king.

"Hello boss, I have finished my duties for the day."
Nightmare did not say or look at Cross, as he was to lost in his thoughts to notice he was there. And what were the things he was so interested in that was wondering his mind? Who knows. It is Nightmares mind.

Cross spoke once again, still not gaining his boss's attention. He crossed his arms.
"Helloooo, anybody in there?"
Cross spoke once again, a bit louder, his voice echoed through the room. That made Nightmare snap out of his trance. He looked over at Cross, observing him.
"Is there something you need Cross?" Nightmare said in a very low and monotone voice. Not pleased from getting bothered by someone like Cross.
"I just came to tell you that I was done with my duties." Nightmare glared and spoke once again.
"Could you do one more thing? Bring Killer here, I want to ask him something." Nightmare said, shooing Cross with his hand, wanting him to go immediately to do his final chore.
"Of corse." Cross then bowed, then leaving the large thrown room. It always gave him shivers when going in there. It's one of the very few rooms that have more Negative energy in it.


After about five to seven minutes, Killer arrived to the large thrown room. Sitting there still, Nightmare. Killer had a light step in his walk, a smirk on his face. He had the most emptiest of eyes Nightmare had ever seen. There were black like a never ending void. Nightmare couldn't help get lost in them sometimes. He had hate dripping down the sides of his face, coming from his void like eyes. He was such an eye catcher for Nightmare.
"You called for me?" Killer said, it a very ringy voice. And for some reason, Killers voice was a very sweet sound for Nightmare to hear. Killer approached the thrown that had Nightmare sitting on it. Killer had his hands behind his back with a knife in his hands.
"Yes, I was wondering if maybe you would like to go for a stroll with me in the castle gardens." Killer tilted his head like a confused puppy. He had never been asked by his boss if wanted to hang around him for more than fifteen minutes for no reason. Killers smirk turned into a smile.
"Of corse boss, I'd very much like to wonder the gardens with you." Killer still had his hands behind his back with his knife. Nightmare gave little smile, pleased he now gets to do something with his favorite member of his team.

The both of them walked down the long corridors and hallways to get to the castles gardens. There were two large glass stained doors with dark red roses with thorn vines stained into the glass. As much of a light that came through the doors during the day, they almost glowed with a soft hue. Nightmare pushed open the large glass door with a huff, holding the door open and gesturing for Killer to go through first, holding out his hand. Killer had never seen Nightmare so sane before. Killer thought maybe he was in a nightmarish mood so he wanted some fresh air. But that wouldn't make any sense due to him wanting Killer to go along. If Nightmare was not in a good mood, he'd probably rather go alone. To free his own mind for a bit.

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