Day 10) first pet/child

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Soooo . . . I'm going to do a pet because obviously Nightmare and Killer will not be having a child. They're not that far into their relationship yet. But maybe . . When this book ends, I could make a sequel of their journey through parent hood. Eh? Tell me in the comments or what ever. So then I'll know what I'll be making for a new book!!!


3rd pov.

A shattered, broken and dull Au was left. All but dust and blood laid around. The air was thick, filled with the sorrows of the monsters that once lived here moments ago. The only living things left here were the takers of the lives that were killed in cold blood. There was five takers to be exact, Killer, Horror, Dust, Cross, and Nightmare. They were finished with their work, now they are just discussing other things that need to be done.

Nightmare stood tall next to the edge of the forest. Giving the four skeletons instructions.

"Horror, I need you to go sweep check the ruins for any other monsters that you may have missed. Dust, you check Snowdin, Cross Hotland, and Killer Waterfall. I want you all back exactly here once you are- ouch!" The four looked at Nightmare weirdly. The tar covered skeletons shoulders tensed up. One of Nightmares tentacles raised up, showing a cute little kitten clawing and biting his tendril. It's was small, most likely a few months old. But it sure does have sharp claws and teeth. The kitten had long pointy ears, with little tuffs of white fur on the tips. The pattern on its fur was beautiful, a mix of black, blue, and white. It's paws had black patches of fur, and the tail having a black and blue pattern. "Mew."

The cats voice was soft and high pitched. Nightmare set the cat down with it's tentacle a few feet away from him. "Ok, go do your things now. Right back here when your done." Dust chuckled. "What ever you say cat boy." The goopy skeleton narrowed his eyes at Dust. Piercing through him with his stare. "Just get started dumbass." He said, crossing his arms. Soon, they all went to their assigned place in the underground of the Au. Leaving Nightmare and the kitten. Meowing came from the kitten, it prancing over to Nightmare. Rubbing its head on his leg, purring quite loudly. "Ok, that's enough from you." Nightmare used his tentacle to pick up the kitten.  It squeaked once it rose up to Nightmares eye level. "You're quite the nuisance aren't you?" Nightmare softened his expression. Wait, what is he doing? Talking by himself but to this feline. Feeling positive feelings towards this idiotic creature. He sighed, putting the cat down and walked away. The cat sat there, tilting his head, as if he was trying to say 'where are you going?' The negative skeleton had better things to do than talk to a measly cat, actually, a kitten. He sure has been getting soft.

The portal home was formed in front of the five. Nightmare took one last look around to see if the other four were here. His head turned back, walking into the portal. The others following behind. Six souls entered the portal home.


The king of darkness, ruler of all negativity in the multiverse, sat in his boring office. Doing as we all know, paper work. And other sorts of things that needed to be done by only himself. The room was barely lit. A little lamp on the corner of his desk made a dusk light from it. It was quite old, so it didn't work as well as the other lamps in the castle. But something was distracting him from his needed work. A soft scratching was coming from his door. Nightmare gripped his pen, then slamming it on the table. Walking over to his door to murder who ever was making such a noise. He placed his hand on the knob, swinging the door open, only to find no one standing there. They must have ran off, as in making some sort of prank. But a small noise came by Nightmares feet. A feeling of something rubbing on his leg was creating a puring noise. He looked down to see the cat that bit him from the Au they were in a while ago. He looked down the hallway, seeing if maybe there was any of the idiots that maybe put this cat at his door. Seeing no one, he picked up the cat, carrying it inside his office, closing the door with his tentacle. He sat himself down at his desk, placing the kitten over his work.

"How'd you get in here?" He asked it, making the kitten tilt its head. Nightmare stuck his hand in front of the cat, making the cat rub its face on one of his boney fingers. It purred and squeaked of joy. What was this feeling? Nightmare felt it in his soul. This kitten was melting his soul as if it were butter. He pat the kitten on the head. It meowed from it. Why did he enjoy such a weak little creature such as this one? Why did he feel . . . comfort from it? He didn't know, and didn't care. The feeling was nice, a calm feeling of joy for a cat was nice for him. "Y'know, your not that bad." The cat raised its two back legs up, making it stand fully. Rubbing its head under Nightmares chin. He chuckled from the attention from the kitten. He let it do it's thing, having no thought of that anyone could walk into the room at any moment to see this scene happen-

The door swung open. "Hey Nightmare, you busy-" Killer stopped in his tracks. Seeing Nightmare cuddle with the same Kitten that he had attracted in the Au they slaughtered. Killers face grew a hugged smirk, along with his arms crossing. The goopy skeleton picking the kitten up quick by the neck and moving it away. Setting it aside on his desk. "I see your making friends now huh?"

"Well- you see, I . . Um . ." Killer approached his lover. Putting his arms on Nightmares desk, leaning on it. "How'd this little guy get in here? I know you didn't bring him in here." The little feline approached Killer, rubbing its head on his arm. "I'm actually not sure. I found him scratching on my door. Maybe one of the other dickheads put him there." Killer chuckled.

"You gonna keep the little guy?" Nightmare paused, thinking if he should. For once, he's grown attached to another living being- other than Killer. His connection with Killer is quite different than his with the kitten.

"I've grown quite attached to him. So yes, I'm going to keep him."

"Well then. What'r ya going to name him?" Nightmare silenced once again. He looked down at the kitten, who was being petted by Killer.

"I'm not sure yet, maybe you could help me with that." Killer looked up at Nightmare. He smiled, along with the other. The smaller inspected the little kitten. It needed a perfect name.

"Hm, what about . . . Pearl?" Killer suggests. But the other shook his head.

"Mmm, it doesn't really match." Killer looked down at the kitten once again

"Ok, what about . . . I dunno, Binx?" The taller took a second to think over the name.

"Binx, I like that." Killer picked up the kitten.

"Ok then, hello there little Binx." Killer touched foreheads with the cat, loving the softness of the kittens fluffy fur. The taller took in the moment, taking a mental picture of Killer and Binx. He let a soft smile appear on his face. "Mew!"


Word count: 1292

Why hello! Once again, I've taken my sweet time to make a chapter. So I hoped you enjoyed this one. And Binx! I'm hoping to include him in other chapters as well. (I literally went on google and searched for names and stumbled on Binx. I don't know why but I just feel like the cat Nightmare found just suits the name) love you all!

         - Jc

(Please read this next part!!!)

(Future me here, omg omg omg, sorry this took so long! I've been having technical difficulties of trying to post chapters, wattpad kept saying I needed to verify my email, and ive been having difficulties trying to do that, I don't know why I am having troubles, but I think I got that problem solved now. Hopefully I don't have this problem in the future. Thank you all for your patience and support, I really hope you are enjoying this book so far! I am having fun writing it for you all, and getting all these nice comments is what makes me keep going! Thank you for waiting, Love you all!)

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