Day 7) a third wheel

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Third pov.

A group of three skeletons, named Error Nightmare and Killer, were roaming an AU. Finding the last of their pray. Specifically the Sans of the place. They were located in the snowdin of the place. As for the other three, they were wandering around the ruins. Hoping to find the sneaky bastard.
The AU that they have 'visited' was *insert cool Au to destroy*. And the Sans here sure knows how to hide from his predators. The king and his partner were ahead of the glitchy skeleton, more like he was falling behind.

Killer wielded a freshly sharpened blade, fitting perfectly in his palm. It was nice and shinny, which when blood stained the steel, it made the color pop. Nightmare of corse, had his magic. He could use it at any moment when needed. Error had his teary strings that can catch any soul that he intends on catching. Killer was fidgeting with his knife, as he was bored. Not killing for almost an hour bored the little skeleton. Meanwhile Nightmare was hunting down the negativity that the Sans here was making. His whole world was being destroyed, who wouldn't be upset?

They walked around the cold, dusted snow filled town. Blood seemed to be in every corner. Even some bodies still laying around. Most likely knocked unconscious, just about to dust.

It won't be long until the stars show their faces, surprisingly, they aren't here yet. Which made the mission easier, but giving more of a grudge for the six killers. Having to watch their back just in case one of the 'hero's' comes to save the day.

Soon enough, Nightmare located their last victim, so then Error could delete the codes of this worthless dead Au. The king pulled Killer close to him, while putting a tentacle on Errors shoulder. Causing him to glitch. The goopy skeleton teleported to the location of the Sans. Bringing Killer and Error with him. A wave of black washed over the spot of their landing. Then soon the black fog whisked away, revealing the three. The Sans stepped back to see their unforgettable blood thirsted faces. But he won't go down with out a fight.

"I'm sure you can handle this nuisance Killer." Nightmare instructed. Killer lunging at the frighted Sans. Of corse, as in every Sans' ability, he dodged with ease. Moving to his left. The Sans summoned some bone attacks. Killer shielding them with his knife, while also dodging larger ones.

The two black skeletons watched the battle go on. Nightmare watching Killers every move. He watched Killer as if he was dancing, enjoying his play with the Sans. His hips synchronized with Nightmares eyes, the goopy skeleton couldn't help but smirk at his show. Soon enough, the Sans was pinned down, Killers foot on top of his chest. Slowly applying more pressure until he went through the bone. Dusting the Sans quickly. There was a rip on Killers right shoulder, some blood from the scratch stained the edges the rip. But that's mostly all of the damage that was caused in the little battle.

"Well that was sure enjoyable." Killer said, stretching his arms over his head, making them pop. Error cringed at the sound. "You did very well Killer." The king pulled Killer in with his tentacle, pulling him into a kiss. Killers back was arched back, Nightmare holding his hand up, and his other holding Killers waste. It was passionate kiss they shared. But Error did not feel the passion. The glitchy skeletons eye lights rolled. Clearly wanting to get things done, and not watch the two make out.

Nightmare pulled away. Killer having a nice tint of red on his cheeks. "Can we please get the other bone heads and leave?" Error pleaded, their love was sickening his soul by the second. His voice glitched loudly. Pointing his thumb back, indicated to go get the others. "God can you ever just sit and wait for one second?" Nightmare raising his voice at Error. "Well I'm sorry, I'm sure the other three assholes are doing something stupid, and I don't want to watch your "LoVeY dOvEy" kissing all day!" Error crossed his arms. His hands clenching his jacket sleeves. "Don't you watch like, that weird Spanish show that has all that kissing and shit?" Killer said, Error glitching a little. "That's different!" Errors voice becoming more cracky. "Ok let's just get the others and leave before my idiotic brother and his stupid friends show up." Nightmare spowled out, walking past Error, Killer quickly following behind. He may or may not have gave Error the finger while passing him. Error opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind. Wanting to leave in one piece.

Horror, Dust, and Cross were wandering the ruins for what felt like ages. They might have been going in one big circle, but are to stupid to realize. "We have to be walking in circles by now! There's no way that the ruins are this big!" Dust shouted, his voice echoing through the purple tunnels of the ruins. Vines twisted around, tangled with each other. As if there was no wall to begin with. "Im starting to think that this Sans guy is not here. There's not way he's here." Cross stopped the three, pulling them back to where the entrance of the ruins would meet with Snowdin. They made their way to Toriels old rugged up house. Which was obviously going to take them a bit, more like a while.

"Why can't we just short cut to the other three dipshits?" Error insisted. He was fed up with the constant flirting and dirty jokes the other two were making. As much as he tried to support the twos relationship, this was getting on his nerves. As if they were trying to sicken him out with their so called love. "Why short cut when we can have a little stroll? As much as the castle garden is beautiful, it can get boring walking through the same thing everyday." Killer cooed, looking back at Error with a smug face. "I go where ever the fuck I want! Can't you too? Or are you just so stupid to go some where that isn't your humble abode?" Error yelled, clearly fed up with the two skeletons. As much as he wanted to strangle the little oil leaking skeleton, if he laid one finger on him, he'd never hear the end of it from Nightmare. "If you wish to find the others and bring them back, me and Killer will happily enjoy our alone time together." Nightmare said, Killer getting a slight red tint on his boney cheeks, getting the idea. "You know what? Fuck you both. I'm leaving. Get the other retards yourselves. I'll be in my anivoid. Don't bother me." Error said, opening a glitchy portal, which lead into a white endless void. He walked in leaving with a middle finger at the two. Nightmare looked down at Killer. He stook his hand out to Killer, the smaller placing his small hand into Nightmares. Nightmares hand was slightly more colder than Killers, Killer loved the cold feeling of Nightmares hand holding his. The two walked off towards the entrance of the ruins. Taking their time of corse, taking in the last of the dusted Au.


Word count: 1229

Hello all. Sorry that this took so long to get out *>* (I may or may not have forgotten that I had things to write) but uhhh, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I took the span of like 2 or 3 weeks  (or however long it took to get this out) to finish. School is really bitting at my ass right now. But I got some good grades. So we all good. see you all in the next chapter. :)

             - Jc

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