Day 15) Injury

257 13 4

Pov, 3rd

(Angst warning!!)

The Au was Outertale, a known place for beauty and awe. It was quite popular through out the multiverse for monsters who could travel from world to world. But two known terrorists were having a romantic evening in Outertale. Just enjoying each other's company.

Nightmare and Killer sat on the edge of a small floating island, spacifically the one where they shared their first kiss. Killer was leaning his head on Nights shoulder, wrapping his arm around Nightmares, holding his hand. The silence between the two was comforting, bringing relaxation in their souls. All of their worries washing away as simply just throwing away trash in a bin. Anything not needed was not there to annoy them. Not until three individuals entered the Au. Not terrorists, but three known skeletons that spend lots of their time protecting the multiverse from threats such as Nightmare and Killer. Blue, Ink, and Dream only came to shoo away the two from causing trouble, or what they thought was trouble. They only suspected them to be here is to cause chaos.

When they approached the two from behind, Blue and Ink were ready to pounce on them at anytime, but Dream found their two contact on each other odd, as if they did not come here to kill or destroy. The rest of their team weren't even here. This made Dream not prepare himself in a defending or offending position. He simply only wanted to know the reason why the two were here. But Blue and Ink had other plans.

"Where do you think the others are?" Blue asked, looking over to Ink.

"I'm not sure, most likely hiding so they can ambush us. Like a trap!" Ink said, looking around to see if any enemies are hiding anywhere in their field of vision.

"Well, we will be ready if they attack with surprise!" Blue said confidently, making Dreams head turn, facing the two.

"I don't think they are here to cause any trouble. Maybe we should leave." Dream suggested, looking back at the secret couple sit on the ledge. Unaware that Nightmare could be picking up their aura at any time.

"What, do you think they are out on a date or something?" Ink asked jokingly, only making Dream want to believe that.

"You never know, I don't sense any strong negativity from them. In fact, there's . . much more positivity from the two." Dream stated, making the other two think.

"It's probably a trap, you know how much Nighty over there wants us dead." Ink said, his pupils changing shape and color. Dream only continued to stare at the two. Until Nightmare turned his head to almost face where they were hiding.

Nightmare was quite pleased with the spot they chose to have some alone time at, feeling relaxed from the comforting aura him and Killer had, but he felt something. A positive aura that was only made by one specific person, his brother Dream. He felt this aura behind him, to close for comfort. He turned his head, looking behind himself. He didn't see anything, but he knew someone was there.

"Something wrong?" Killer asked, wondering why Nightmare was looking behind them.

"Some one is here." Nightmare said getting up, holding his hand out to help Killer up.

"Who's here? Are they a threat?" Killer asked, summoning a red blade, fitting perfectly in his grasp.

"Well, let's just say that they think we are the threat." Nightmare said, his tendrils spilling from his back. Killer knowing exactly who Nightmare was referring to.

Nightmare gazed his eye around the area, till they landed on a spot with the largest amount of positivity. He took a few steps towards the spot before three skeletons popped out, all aiming at the two. Killer and Nightmare quickly took a defensive position, being ready when the three attacked. Dreams arrows came at them first, the two easily dodging.

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