Day 3) First meeting

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There he was, the new king of darkness. Bringer of negativity and death. Now in his new form, more deadly, more powerful. His brother, Dream had been turned to stone from the corruption of his brother. But now he's been released from his stone prison. It's been five hundred years since he last saw daylight. A creator, known as Ink, has set him free. They join together to spread positivity around and to make sure the AUs are safe. But as always, there's someone who's got to get in their way. Nightmare. A dark being who is bound to kill his brother. But he is now facing a crisis. They have formed a team, known as the stars. Their new recruit swap sans. A cheerful and confident sans who would never give up the world. Bound to keep the AUs safe from threats such as Nightmare. They were strong. Almost to strong together. Nightmare made the decision to make a team of his own. As the stars being as powerful as they are, Nightmare is bound to find more stronger Sanses then them. More negative. More powerful. As much as the king need to please him. So he started his search. Locating an AU with waves negativity. His first stop, Killertale.

Ahh yes, Killertale. A soulless AU where everyone has been dusted, multiple times. Only one monster roamed the AU. Killer Sans. In the multiverse, known as Killer. His soul mixed with a dead human, known as Chara. They hold unspeakable magic and power. They made a deal with the hopeless Sans. Granting them DETERMINATION. Hate now forever dripping from his eye sockets. But little to be known Killer would get a visiter.

Nightmare walked in the dusty snow of a dead Snowdin. Blood splattered everywhere. He liked this AU already. All the negativity that was floating in the air was mesmerizing for the king. Until he felt a strong pull of negativity. Coming from a small motel. He has located Killer.  He walked in a fast pace over the motel. Opening the door. He entered the lobby, hearing voices from one of the rooms. A devious smile appeared on Nightmares face. He teleported into the room where the sans was, making sure to make a great first impression.

"Come oooooon! It's soooo boring when you just sleep here all day!" Chara was annoyed at the sleeping skeleton. As he is a Sans, he tends to sleep a lot when he gets the chance.
"I'm not dead like you! I need sleep. It's a basic standard that all living things need." Killer said, defending his side of the argument.
"But we've been in this cramped room for hours! Can't we at least look to see if there are any-" before Chara could finish, they heard the sound of a door open from the lobby.
"What?" Killer said, sitting up from the small bed.
"I think I heard the door open." Chara summons a knife, perfectly fitting in their palm. Who ever has entered the lobby could be a potential threat. Killer got up and off the bed. Also summoning a knife, fitting perfectly in his hand. Until the room started to darken, slowly turning into a black abyss. A strong energy was felt.
"What the hell?!" Chara screamed, they've never seen any monster pull this off before. A small and low chuckle was heard. Killer pointed his knife at the source of the chuckle.
"My my, what do we have here? A broken Sans with a Chara? How particular." The voice was low, it sent shivers down the two. Finally, the owner of the darkness appeared.They were black, as if they were covered in some sort of tar like substance. One glowing cyan eye light, the other was covered by the goop on monster. Tentacles sprang out of their back. They two were not prepared to fight someone such as Nightmare. But he did not come here to fight.
"Who the hell are you?!" Killer yelled at the stranger. Giving no threat to them.
"Why may name is Nightmare, your Killer I assume?" Nightmare said. Both Killer and Chara looked at each other.
"What?" Killer did not know that his nickname in the multiverse was Killer, so he was just as confused as Chara was.
"Why you have quite the reputation in the multiverse Killer. That's why I've come here to give you an offer." Killer lowered his knife, Chara still holding theirs at Nightmare. Chara notice Killers actions.
"Sans, what are doing?! Chara whisper yelled.
"What is this offer?" Killer was Intrigued by this strange man. The talk of a reputation in the multiverse? And everyone called him Killer? He had to get answers. And this man could be the only chance to get them.
"Well, I want you to join me, well, work for me. You will do as I say. You will be by my side in battle. My brother is who we will be taking down. But I need someone to help me with that. So that's why I'm here. To have you be my right hand man. And I'll give you freedom, out of this soulless AU of yours." Nightmare said. Killer had so many questions now. 'Freedom? This guy can get me out of here? But what will I be signing up for? My life? Just to be a knight in shining armor for this guy?' It didn't sound real to Killer. He un Summoned his knife, going away with a poof. Nightmare held out his hand, hoping that Killer will take it.
"What will it be?" Killer was hesitant. He didn't know what to do.
"Sans don't. We don't know what this guy can do." Chara said. Not getting any good vibes from Nightmare. Killer stepped forwards. Ready to take his hand.
"Sans no!" Chara was not pleased with what was happening. Then soon enough, Killer took his hand. Agreeing to take the offer as a right hand man. Nightmare let out a demonic laugh. Quickly grabbing Killer with his tentacles. Chara was dis found. Killer had took the hand of the king of darkness. Now holding Killers soul. Killer couldn't move. The tentacles grasp was to strong.
"Now, we need to get rid of your pathetic positive emotions. By doing so, we have to get rid of them all. Also getting rid of this Chara of yours. We don't need any distractions." Nightmare said, giving Chara a glare. 'What the hell did he mean by that?!' Chara thought. Nightmare reshaping Killers soul, making him scream in pain. More hate dripping from his eye sockets. And soon, Chara was gone, stuck somewhere deep inside of Killers soul. Forever going to haunt him for making such a reckless move. Killer was on the ground, shaking. He wasn't prepared for the sock of paint that was coming. He didn't feel anything. But just pain. That when Nightmare felt it. The strange negativity that was going to forever linger with Killer. He smiled in his success of getting Killer to join him. Now to forever to take his demand. The small skeleton however made the king feel different. They way of how his empty eyes looked dead at Nightmare. How is negativity felt different. It made the king want more from him. This little skeleton was sure a mystery for the king.  He was going to enjoy the future for the two.

Soon after, the two fought side by side, soon coming more deadly Sanses joining their little group. After years of the two, Nightmare introduced Error to Killer. A destroyer. He can deal with Ink easily, keeping him out of the way. The two never really were big on friendship with each other.

Soon after that, dust joined. A insane sans who killed his family and friends over and over just to gain more L.V to destroy the human. After succeeding, there was nothing left for him to do. Until Nightmare found him. Him and Killer were some what friends. They fought , but always made up after.

Then Horror. An insane cannibal who lived in a corrupted AU. Killed or be killed is what the rule was. Undyne was the new queen after Asgore  died. The monsters starved, they turned to eating humans. Horrors body slowly became larger in size, papyrus only getting taller, causing his back to curve from not being able to stand straight in the house as he was to tall. The diet of eating human flesh changed them. But before they had to turn to eating humans, Undyne threw a spear through Horrors skull. Recovering from that, he now has a hole in his head, with one red glowing eye light in his left eye socket. Killer, Dust, and Horror became friends. They did almost everything together.

And just recently, someone new has joined. Cross sans. From X-tale. He had the potential that Nightmare wanted. Now they had a group of killers and murderers. Known as the bad Sanses. Always fighting the stars. Who new that the king of negativity could form such a bond between five other monsters who killed for a living. Nightmare didn't admit it, but he enjoyed the company they gave him. Even if they were annoying at times.

Word count: 1547

Short chapter today! And it was all about the challenge for the day! And I don't have exact words on how Killer and Nightmare met, but in my little world of things, Killer was the first to join, and what ever I said in this chapter is what happened in my little world of things. So I hoped you enjoyed! See you guys in the next chapter!


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