Day 11) swimming

326 13 8

3rd pov.

Trees. Tall or short, thick and full of leaves, or tall slim shady trees with no life left in them at all. Left for the dead, hollowed by small critters aching for a warm place to call a home for their young. There was not sunlight where this forest thrived. It's care taker was none other than Nightmare himself, well not much of a care taker, more like a owner. Some one who created the forest to what it's now known. Not only the forest was there in this gloomy Au, six killers lived there. Thriving their little aching souls out. Two of them we're currently taking in the invisible beauty the forest had. These killers see beauty in a different way, they know truth. They see past the lies of what normal people call beauty. But with being high class killers, they do have different tastes than the average soul.

A tall, goopy skeleton walked next to a shorter one, a nice white boned skeleton. A soul that found something that Nightmare himself could not find. Love. They were taking a nice stroll through the rugged forest they call home. Following a trippy path that lead through the never ending vass of shady trees. It was quite the sight. The moon shined bright tonight, making the forest glow with a soft tone. Making their stroll just a bit more enjoyable. Their hands were interlocked with one another. Never to let go. The two walked close to each other, embracing the aura that radiated off them both. Killers pride fill soul with Nightmares that was filled with hatred towards everything- except for the one thing walking next to him. Surely was a surprise to all when the two announced their love for each other.

"The moon sure is lovely tonight, don't you think?" Killer ended the loving silence that held strong before. "The moon sure is a wondrous thing is it not?" Nightmare spoke with such compassion, which only one other soul has witnessed. This side of him is rare to find. "It doesn't normally become this bright, does it?" Killer looked into the one eye socket his lover had, the other covered in his curse of goop. Glowing a strong cyan from the moon light. "No not normally, but it surely does make your beautiful eyes shine wonderfully." Killer tinted a slightly with cherry red. Nightmare didn't show much compassion when in the mansion, it made Killers soul flutter with butterflies. "I could say the same to you." Nightmare chuckled. The sound of silence and crunching leaves filled once again. Step by step, crunch by crunch, the two made it slightly closer to their location each step they took. Nightmares been waiting a perfect night like this to bring Killer to this surprise location.

"You never told me where we are heading to." Nightmare looked down at his lover, his black void like eyes staring back at him "well wouldn't that ruin the surprise?"

"Well- you never told me it was a surprise, you just dragged me out here." Nightmare chuckled. "I believe I did ask you come with me, did I not? And I didn't want a clue out before arriving." Killer stared and the taller skeleton, squeezing his hand just a bit more than he already has been. He couldn't help but smile that someone like Nightmare would try and surprise him with a mystery location. A thin red blush covered his cheeks. Who knew Nightmare was a wiz at being romantic, let alone love another being other than himself.

A shimmering vass of water began to become into view for the two. The water twinkled in the moonlight. The body of water was small for a lake, but quite large for a pond. You could see the whole mass of water, it was quite beautiful. Some how, Killer never got a clue that this little lake existed in the forest. He was astonished by its beauty. The two stopped, observing the lake in its beauty. "What do you think? Was it worth keeping secret for you?" Killers eyes sparkled with the water, taking a few steps closer the the water, releasing his hand from Nightmares. "Wow, I don't know what to say, this place is beautiful, I never knew this forest could hold something as astonishing as this." A dark wooden dock stuck out into the water, it was wide, and went around  twenty to thirty feet out into the water. Killer took a few steps on it, turning to Nightmare, wanting him to come with him on the dock. The goopy skeleton hesitated to go onto the dock, but made himself go on it. The view was breath taking. In Nightmares opinion, the beauty of the place was almost as great as Killers.

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