Day 18) Favorite Spot

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Nightmares eyes gazed on the neatly printed words in the novel he was reading. The literature being perfectly written to perfection just how he likes it. The author unknown to Nightmare, any name of any being of whom could have possibly written this book was no where to be found. Yet plenty of books written by this same mystery author were scattered on bookshelves in the library in Nightmares quarters.

As he read, Binx sat curled up on his lap purring while he slept. Leaving a nice surprise of cat hair to linger on his clothes after he finishes his nap. Nightmare enjoyed the space he was currently in. Being one of his favorite places to relax in. Just to be away from everyone. As no one has any thought of needing to be in a library, non of the others enjoy reading as much as the king does. So there was no need for them to even go in there.

The library itself was one tall room, filled to the brim with shelves jam packed with books. Including An area for sitting, that included a sofa with a velvet color, along with golden accents to match with the whole color scheme of the library. Other furniture were placed in this area. Nightmare was sitting in one of the many places to sit, being a comfortable chair with well cushioning on it. Some cat furniture also layed around the library. Nightmare got the cat furniture and toys just for Binx so he can love the library just as much as he does.

The rooms calming aura was peaceful for Nightmare. Everything was . . neutral. Even tho this neutral feeling didn't make him feel any stronger when negative emotions were around, it didn't make him feel weaker in any way. He just felt, normal.

The large wooden doors of the library opened to reveal Killer, who had no clear emotion on his face. Coming in with a wave of nothing but boredom. Nightmare looked up from the novel to look over at the other skeleton who just walked in. His arrival somehow made the mood in the library better.

"Is there something you need Killer?" Nightmare asked, watching Killer sit down on the arm of the chair he was sitting on. Leaning his head onto his shoulder.

"Just some attention." Killer said softly. Closing his eye sockets as his body calmed from the comforting aura of the room. Feeling Nightmare wrap a tendril around him, pulling him slightly closer. The small cat purred while Killer slid his hand from the top of his head and down his back. Feeling the soft fur on his fingers. Everything felt comforting. The quiet white noise of the library, to the golden dim light shining down onto them. It felt perfect.

The little kitty's eyes opened as he felt Killer graze his back. He purred louder from the lovely feeling of a back rub. Raising his head to meet Killers eyes, he let out a meow and sat up stretching. Nightmare raised his hand next to Binxs head. To him instantly rubbing his face on his owners fingers. Still purring quite loudly.

Nightmare smiled softly upon feeling Binx rub his face on his cold boney hands. It made him feel good knowing that his beloved cat loves him.

Binx stood up, stretching himself by raising his back up like a black cat on Halloween. Except a lot less scary and much more relaxed. After Binx stretched, he jumped down from Nightmares lap, landing on the floor with a thump. Rushing up to one of his cat toys and playing with it. The small toy made a jingle each time Binx moved it.

Binx, no longer being in Nightmares lap left his lap empty. Giving Killer the idea to move himself there. Killer placed himself onto Nightmares lap lightly, the king looking into Killers black void like eyes as he did.

"What are you doing?" Nightmare asked chuckling softly as Killer sat in his lap. The smaller skeleton looked back up at him.

"Am I not allowed?" Killer asked playfully, leaning his head onto Nightmares chest, getting comfortable being on Nightmare. The king only smiled and wrapped his arms around his companion, holding him close. The cat toy jingled more from Binx playing with it, making Killer look down at the cat playing.

"Out of all the toys, you had to get the ones that make the most noise when he plays with them." Killer said sighing from Nightmares choice in cat toys.

"He likes the jingly ones. I don't want to ruin his fun because it makes a little extra noise." Nightmare said watching Binx play as well.

"You spoil that cat a little to much sometimes." Killer said, resting his eyes while he leaned on Nightmare.

"What? I do not." Nightmare said, denying the fact that he does spoil the little cat.

"Yes you do! Look how much weight he's gained. I think you need to stop feeding him so many treats." Killer said, pointing out the weight that the cat has. Binx had a bit of chub to him, tho it made him look more adorable.

"I refuse to believe that I do." Nightmare said, playfully disagreeing with Killer. The skeleton in his arms only smiled as he rested his eyes again. Amused by Nightmare.

"Ok, you will see that I'm right when Binx gets more fat from those treats you give him on a daily basis." Killer said resting more onto Nightmare. The warmth they shared comforting his bones from a long day. Him and the others did a bit of training- and yes, Killer showered before arriving into Nightmares library. Other wise Nightmare would have noticed and would have made him shower before any physical contact.

Nightmare held Killer close as they cuddled on the chair, embracing each other and enjoying the soft silence in the library. The soft hue of light only making it more relaxing for the two. Binx also done playing with the noisy toy, and has gone somewhere else to do who knows what. Most likely to squeeze himself into places he shouldn't be.

Time passed as the two hung out in the library. Killer actually fell asleep in Nightmares embrace, him now just reading the same novel he was earlier. Calm and relaxed. A clock in the library hit ten pm, it making its ringing sound ten times to notify anyone in the library that it was ten. This sound woke Killer up, his eyes fluttering open softly. He yawned as he rose his head from Nightmares chest, still quite tired. He didn't plan on waking up so soon.

Nightmare noticed how tired Killer was, and closed his book before setting it on a side table. He picked Killer up in his arms as he lifted himself and Killer from the chair. Heading to their shared room to rest. While grabbing the book on the side table with a tendril so he could read while Killer rested on their bed next to him.

He swiftly made it to their room, wanting to get Killer in bed. Sliding Killers jacket off, he placed him onto the bed, covering him with the thick blankets. Making sure he's comfortable. He set his book on the nightstand  that was on his side of the bed, so he could get into more suitable clothing for sleeping.

He took of his hoodie before throwing off his shirt. Placing them into a hamper in the corner of their room. He crawled into bed next to Killer, having him cuddle up next to him. While he rested his back on the back board while he opened his book up and read.

Nightmare relaxed as he heard Killers soft breath as he fell asleep once again. Feeling comfortable on the soft mattress and blankets. Nightmares tendril wrapped around him, not wasting any moments to have him in any embrace. He smiled softly knowing that he will wake up tomorrow next to the sleeping skeleton next to him.

Word count: 1344

Hello, sorry for another long time period of having to wait for me to get another set of words for you guys to read out. School has been getting back on track with work and I have been quite busy with stuff. I just hope you all can understand chapters might take some time to be written as I still have to go to school. But I will try my best to get time to write, as I enjoy creating these chapters for you! Not to add any more on, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I am very excited to write the next one, as I have big things planned. But you will have to wait, see you all in the next chapter!

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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