Day 17) A Memory

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3rd pov.

Killer sat on a couch in one of the many sitting rooms on the bottom floor, scrolling through his phones photo gallery. Looking back on all of the memories he's shared through out his life here. As he scrolled, he landed on a picture of Binx sleeping soundly on top of a high shelf curled up in a ball. He was quite adorable when he was a kitten. But now he's much bigger, and has definitely gained some pounds sense when they first took him in. Or, he welcomed himself in. Binx was now grown to a normal sized house cat, a bit of a fat one. As Nightmare likes to spoil his beloved pet Binx.

Killer remembers when Binx first started to hide away in small places and crevices. Along with high surfaces. Those tend to be his favorite. It allows him to see everything from above.

He remembers the day Nightmare went frantic when he couldn't find his little furry friend, which Killer found quite funny when Nightmare was running in and out of rooms looking for the little cat.

Killer was startled when the bedroom door slammed open, Nightmare coming in with worry. Seemingly to look around the room as if he has lost something important.

"What'r you doing?" Killer asked chuckling from Nightmares strange behavior.

"Have you seen Binx? I can't find that little bastard anywhere. He didn't come down to eat when he usually does." Nightmare said hoping that Killer has seen the sneaky feline.

"I haven't. He's probably just sleeping somewhere. I'm sure he's fine." Killer said, sitting relaxed up against the headboard of the bed.

"Where the hell could he be? I swear I've looked everywhere!" Nightmare said annoyed on the fact that he's failed on finding the little kitty.

"Just give it like a half hour. I'm sure he's hiding somewhere in your office or something." Killer said trying to reassure Nightmare. He grumbled and proceeded to enter his office through the connect door in their room.

"Can you help me find him?" Nightmare asked, standing in the door way. Looking over at Killer.

Killer sighed before agreeing to help look for the little cat. "Fine." He slipped off of the side of the bed, and followed Nightmare into the office.

Flipping the light switch, the dim office lights turned on, making everything in the room more visible. They both looked under objects, such as Nightmares desk, or anything that he could crawl under. Or maybe any bottom shelves that he hid himself in. Both skeletons didn't realize that Binx was able to now reach higher surfaces. Such as the top shelf of the book shelf behind Nightmares desk.

Killer looked up to see some clutter, books, and a small feline having a peaceful nap with the dust that should probably be cleaned. He chuckled and pulled out his phone to take a photo of the visible fur ball. Snapping a picture, Nightmare took notice when Killer chuckled, and started taking photos.

"What are you laughing at-?" Nightmare asked, looking up to where Killer was taking photos. He stood next to Killer to recognize a specific pattern of fur curled up in a ball. That would rise every few seconds. Black tar like tendrils spilled out of Nightmares back and picked up Binx from the high top shelf, bring his cat into his arms.

"What the hell are you doing sleeping all the way up there? Don't you know I was looking everywhere for you little shit? l-" Nightmare cut himself when he saw Killer recording him sweet talk to Binx.

"Are you recording me right now?" Nightmare said unamused. Killer nodded and kept the camera on Nightmare.

"Stop recording me!" Nightmare said reaching out to grab Killers phone to stop the recording.

"Hey! It's not going to hurt you!" Killer said giggling. Nightmare only kept on fighting to stop Killer from documenting him being a sweetie to his cat.

"It's hurting my dignity!" Nightmare said, before the video was cut off. Nightmare succeeded in stopping the recording, but his quick session of talking to Binx was now forever captured in Killer's phone's memory.

Killer laughed softly as he watched the video. Remembering that day like it was yesterday. But in reality it was almost two years ago. It hurts to know how fast days and weeks go. Yet the years and months feel like forever.

Killer proceeded to scroll through the photos. Until a little furry friend decided to gain his attention by sitting on his lap.

"Oh Binx, What'r you doin little guy?" Killer said with a "talking to animals" voice like all people do when talking to a cute animal. He patted his head, while Binx rubbed his hand. Starting to Purr quite loud.

Killer smiled at the fat cat, loving that he showed up in Nightmares office. The explanation on how he got there still not known to either him or Nightmare. But they predict that maybe he sneaked into the portal while they were leaving and found his way to Nightmares office. But they don't know for sure. And probably won't ever know. But maybe some details to some stories are meant to not be known or shared.

(Word count: 898)

Short chapter today! Sorry it took a little while to write this chapter. Especially for it being so short! School has just started for me like two weeks ago and I've been caught up in a storm with school work and other things! But during the weekends, I'm going to try to get as much writing in a possible. So maybe we could start a trend of maybe a chapter every weekend. But I'm not certain if that will stay. But we will see when future chapters come out! Love you all!

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