Day 14) Jealousy

310 6 2

3rd pov.

It was currently, seven in the evening, and the little couple that were Nightmare and Killer, sat in front of a lit fire that was burning in the fire place. The soft crackling of the fire created a calm aura in the room, which pleased the two.

Nightmare was on one of the many couches in the room, or the closest one to the fire. Killer was on the floor holding a little fake mouse that Binx was pawing at. He giggled as the little cat jumped and pawed. Binx surely was one of the most adorable little cats. They didn't know what kind, but they didn't care. He was your average little playful cat.

To Nightmares prospective, he was more distracted by the two more than what he was reading. He found them more interesting then his book. Which was rare, as he takes reading quite serious. It's not a lot of things in this multiverse to keep him away from his beloved books. But Killer and Binx playing together was one of those things that made him forget what ever he was doing.

A soft smile arose on his face, his eye having a soft look. Nightmare closed his book and set it on the side table next to the couch he was sitting on, and joined Killer on the floor. The smaller skeleton looked up to the king, who was now sitting next to him. He smiled, knowing that Nightmare wanted to join him in playing with Binx. For Nightmare being him, Killer was happy to see how sweet his lover could actually be. He knew he hit a small soft spot in Nightmares rotted out soul.

"Wanna try?" Killer asked, holding the little fake mouse in front of Nightmare. The king took the mouse while nodding. Holding the mouse up high a bit, Binx got down low, wiggling his behind before jumping up to snatch the mouse with his sharp claws. In which the mouse was pulled out of Nightmares grasp. Killer laughed as Nightmare just stared blankly, not realizing how easily the mouse was taken from him. He looked over to Killer feeling his soul beat from his lovers wonderful laugh. Love surely was a enigma to Nightmare. For it being a positive feeling, it felt, good. As this feeling was stronger than any negative or positive feeling.

The king felt his cheeks become warm, not realizing that he had a thin tint of aqua blush casted upon his face. Killer sure made him feel like melting inside. For as long as he lived, he would never let anything damage his most prized possession. (Aka, Killer.)


The next day came just as fast as Binx stealing the mouse from Nightmare. But the day was young, and Nightmare was working in his office, but something unusual was happening. His study buddy, was not sitting on his desk, nor was the calming sound of his purr acting as white noise. He surely felt alone without him. But he carried on with his work, Binx not being in his office was not his biggest problem right now. He picked up his pen, and began his work once more.

After a couple hours, he left his office to go get another cup of hot caffeine, and to find Killer. Walking through the long hallways of his maze like home, he spotted a maid hard at work, and approached them. The maid looked up to Nightmare and bowed.

"Is there anything I can do for you my lord?" They spoke softly, rising back up to meet his cold gaze.

"Yes, do you perhaps know where Killer is?" He asked coldly. Wanting an answer right after asked.

"Sir Killer? I believe he might in the gardens and accompanied by your cat Binx my lord." The maid said. Making Nightmare smile on the inside.

"Thats all I need to know. Go back to what you were doing." The king said before walking away, the maid bowing as he left. He teleported to where the garden doors were located. Arising to see two beautiful stain glass doors with thorny roses twirling around each other. It was quite the sight, for it to be a pair of doors. Nightmare pushed them open to see flowers and other plants decorated everywhere. Along with other ordainments of stone sculptures placed with care and thought. He took the only pathway of cracked stone and looked around to see if Killer was anywhere in sight. Soon enough, he could here the soft playful meowing of a familiar little cat. With soft laughter that he always adored. A smile grew in his face as he raced to where he heard the noise.

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