Day 5) kissing

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Third pov.
(Warning! There will be some smooching! You've been warned!)

Nightmare slammed his office door in rage. Once again, another failed attempt to destroy the stars, he surly thought that they had them this time. He blamed Cross for the most part. Cross was slacking, as if he did not want to leave a scratch on either of them. He was planning on punishing Cross later, as he is to much of an angry state to do so, or he might just kill him.

He sat himself down on his chair, rubbing his face with his hands. A cup of old and cold coffee sat on his desk, mocking him. It was the coffee that he drank while coming up of a way to end the stars. He picked up the mug and threw in across the room. It hit the opposing wall with force, causing it to shatter as it hit the wall. The pieces of the mug flew everywhere. Causing a mess for him to clean later. Along with the cold coffee that was in it. But he was to angry to care for the futures consequences for creating such a mess. He grumbled to himself. His angered thoughts rushed threw his head, making him to distracted to see the incoming visiter that was entering threw the door. He heard the sound of the office doors closing. He looked up to see Killer.

"Hey Nightmare, you alright?" Killer said, looking down at the floor to see the shattered mug and coffee stains everywhere.

"That explains the shattering." He said, looking back at Nightmare. Killer walked up to Nightmares desk, placing his hands on the end of the smooth wood. There was a few scratches on Killer and his clothes. Nightmare noticed, and seemed to be inflamed by that. Now wanting to make the stars beg for mercy, now that he's noticed every scar that Killer had. A lot more than he thought.

"What's wrong?" Killer said, looking straight into Nightmares one eye socket. Nightmare was always furious every time they had a down fall in their battles, but he's never been comforted before after they lost, it felt . . . nice.

"I'm fine Killer, I would like to be alone for the time being if you please." Nightmare said, losing the eye contact that they had. But as Killer being stubborn, he stood his ground in the kings office. He walked behind the desk, going up to Nightmare.

"Killer I said-" Killer plopped himself down on the king, hugging him from his lap. Nightmare did not expect such contact, but melted into it soon after. He wrapped his arms around Killer. He was much smaller than him. Nightmare rested his head on Killers shoulder, his face buried in his neck. They hugged for what felt like an eternity. Soon Killer pulled away. Making Nightmare grumble, as he wanted a bit more from the hug.

"Feelin better now?" Killer said, giving a warming smile. Nightmare nodded.

"Yes, thank you." Nightmare said, Killer still sitting in his lap. Their faces slowly got closer to each other, as they got lost into each others eyes. Soon their mouths connected, sharing a passionate kiss. Killer blushed at the act. Their faces parted, quickly going back in for more. Killer wrapped arms around Nightmares neck, Nightmare sliding his hands down, pulling Killer in more to deepen the kiss that they shared. Their shared kisses turned into a slight make out session. The kisses that they gave each other became more sloppy as they got a bit heated. Nightmare licked Killer teeth, asking for an entry. Killer excepted and opened his mouth. Their tongues battles for dominance, Nightmare winning easily. He explored Killers cavern. Making sure to get every nook and crevice that Killer had. As they made out, Killer grinded on Nightmares pelvis softly, Nightmare noticed Killers movement, and slightly smirked in the kiss. They finally parted the kiss, a string of mixed saliva hung from their mouths. Killer panted softy, catching his breath from the make out session they the two just had. His face was red, glowing like a cherry. Nightmare and a small tint of turquoise blush on his cheeks. Nightmares anger that he had before was washed away, like he was never angry in the first place.  No words were said, as they didn't need to say anything.

They read each others faces perfectly, knowing what they both wanted. Killer went back in for more, Nightmare doing the same. Their mouths connected once again. But Nightmare then lifted Killer up, making Killer part. Nightmare set Killer down on his desk. If Killer could become more red, he would. Nightmare smirked before going in, closing the gap in between the two. Pushing Killer back, his back hitting the wood of the desk. But he did not push him hard, so he wouldn't hurt Killer. He would would never do such a thing. Killer wrapped his arms around Nightmares neck once again, but also wrapping his legs around Nightmare as well. Nightmare applied more pressure into the kiss.  Nightmare had more access to Killers area, he slowly grinded on Killer. Making Killer muffle into the kiss. Making their make out session even more heated than before. Killer wanted to make Nightmare calm down, but he only got Nightmare rilled up in a different way.

Nightmare was explore Killers mouth once again, getting every spot in his mouth. He loved the taste that Killer gave, it was addicting. But their fun soon to come to an end due to an interruption. A white glitchy portal appeared in the room. But they were to busy to notice. Until a glitchy voice was heard in  the portal.

"Hey Nightmare, I'm back from my little fight with the Inkblot-" Error cut of to see a make out happen right in front of him. His eyes widened, he glitched for a few seconds, then spoke.

"W-what the h-H-hell are two b-B-bastards doi-ing?!" Error managed to say, yelling a bit. Nightmare and Killer looked up to see Error about to crash. A little bit of yellow blush appeared on his face. Killer pushed Nightmare up off of him. Killers face exploded with red blush.  Barring his face into Nightmares chest. Nightmare was only angered once again.

"Get the fuck out your windows vista!" Nightmare yelled. Error did not argue, he left just as he arrived. He ran back into his portal right back into his anti void. Then crashed.

Killer still sat on Nightmares desk in embarrassment that one of his teammates caught them both making out. Nightmares grumpy mood slightly came back. Nightmare picked up Killer, and teleported to his room.

If your wondering what they did next will shock you. Yup. Nightmare forced Killer into cuddling. He didn't want him to leave his side for the rest of the night. As it was already late during their make out, Nightmare changed them both. They both fell asleep into each others arms. If Error never interrupted them, who new what would've happened after. I guess Killer could thank Error for saving his ass. Literally

Word count: 1172

Well, here's a nice short chapter for ya! Sorry for taking so long on this chapter 😅 I got a bit busy with my own things and kinda just didn't do anything. But here y'all go. A nice kissy kissy chapter that I've been waiting write. Well that's all I have to say so see y'all in the next chapter!

                - JC

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