Day 6) clothes swap

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3rd pov.

The gang of idiots got back from another lost battle against the stars. As every time, they were all bruised up, having to take a couple days to rest and heal, which Nightmare did not like. All he needs is about a day, and a cup of coffee. Then he'l be ready to battle once again. But the others of corse, need more time to heal their wounds. And to get the energy they need to restore their magic to peak level.

A portal that belonged to Nightmare opened in the middle of the large lounge area. A beat up Dust came out first, argue with Horror about something stupid most likely. Then came out Cross. Ready to take a nice shower to relax his bones. Lastly, Nightmare and a sore Killer made it through. Error made his own portal in the AU they originally came from, and went to his anti-void to rest.
Dust and Horrors fight broke once they left for their rooms. Cross was already on the shower, so that left Nightmare and Killer to do their needed things.

Killers clothes were torn, two giant slashes went across his shirt. Along with some scratches on his ribs from the doing of getting the large holes in his shirt. His jacket had blood on it, his and who ever else he was fighting. There was some tares at the ending of the bottom of Killers shorts. And if you look over at Nightmare, he's looking not to shabby. His clothes were not torn or ripped, just perfectly fine.

Killer made his way to his room to find some new and comfortable clothes to put on for the time being. As he still needs laundry done. He does his own clothes because he does not really trust the maids. He has no proof that they will ruin his clothes, he just kinda has the gut feeling. He approached his door and put his hand on the cold nob to open the door. He twisted it making a click noise. The door slid open, Killer walking through. He closed the door behind him, slightly pushing the door so it would latch on and not open on its own. His closet stood in front of him, holding all of his clean clothes that he had. He looked around for something comfortable to wear. He dug around in the hanging shirts. Which we're only three. There was a white tank top, with a big neck hole. A black sleeveless turtle neck, and a giant red T-shirt that he had for some reason. He grabbed the red one, being the most comfortable shirt he had on hand. Plus he didn't want to wear a nice shirt when resting in his room all day. There was no point. He opened up his pants drawer, revealing some training shorts, with holes in them, and a pare of short shorts. He had pants in there, but they were mostly jeans. He grabbed the black short shorts and threw them next to the red T-shirt. He slipped his jacket off, throwing it near the hamper that sat in the corner of his room, along with the other clothing items that missed the hamper. He took his black holey T-shirt over his head, throwing it by his jacket. He put on the red T-shirt. To him, it was kinda scratchy. He did not like the feeling it gave when the cloth rubbed on his bones. He slipped off his shorts, also throwing them by his jacket. Missing the hamper. He put on the shorts, and if he had an echo body summoned right now, his ass would be hanging out from how short the shorts were. He doesn't even remember where he got such short shorts.

This was not how Killer wanted to spend the rest of the day. A scratchy red T-shirt with sorts that make his ass hang out. Just great isn't it?

He walked over to his door and opened it. Pushing it open, he headed towards Nightmares part of the place. Maybe he has something Killer could wear. If he'd let him. Killer walked down the long hallways, up and down long stairs, and finally made it to Nightmares bed room. Killer approached Nightmares bed room doors. He lifted his hand and knocked on the doors.

"Hey Nighty, can I come in?" Killer said, hearing shuffling inside of the room. Foot steps came close to the door. The door opened revealing Nightmare, who opened the door. Nightmare examined Killers clothes.

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