Day 4) A date

573 14 22

(This is going to be their first date bc why the hell not. It's always more interesting ;v;)
(I have a feeling this is going to be a looooong chapter)

Killer pov
(oooo first time with a first person pov :)

I heard my alarm. A loud beeping noise was heard. I hit my alarm hoping to would turn off. Of corse it would not. 'God damn it . .' I sat up from my bed, like a zombie rising from its grave. Except I look worse than a zombie. I hit the button on my alarm clock to make the beeping stop. The clock said 5:45 am. Like every morning.
I hopped off my bed, landing in the floor with a thump. I scratch my shoulder, walking over towards my door. Opening it with a twist on the knob.  I walk out into the hall way, maids already doing their maid things. I don't know where Nightmare got them, but I'm guessing they are monsters that own him big time, and are here to serve him instead of being killed. That's just what I guess. I walked a little down the hallway, reaching the bathroom door, opening it and pushing it open. A maid was also in the process of opening the door, as she was cleaning the bathroom before I use it. She cleans it every morning. But not once have a ran into her. She was a cat monster, with little horns sticking out of her head. She had purple fur, and big blue eyes. She had a maid dress on, like all the other maids. Black dress with a white apron.

"O-oh! H-hello sir Killer!" She seemed a bit nervous, not a scared nervous though, it was different.

"Hello, coming through." I said, walking past her. Kind of pushing her, but she still stands there.

"You can go now, bye bye." I said, she nods, then quickly leaving.  I Shut the door, locking it so no one will come in. I walk over to the shower, opening the door, turning on the water, turning the nob way over on the hot side. Just how I like it. I close the door, letting it warm up. I start taking off my black T-shirt, putting it in my hamper for the maids to take down to get cleaned. Then slipping off my bottoms, aka my white shorts with the black stripes on the sides. I opened the shower door, jumping into the shower. The warm water hitting my bare bones felt nice. Steam was rising. I took the bar of soap that was sitting on the shower ledge, washing myself in soap.

After around ten minutes, I shut the water off in the shower, opening the shower door, reaching for my towel. I stepped onto the small carpet that was right next to the entrance of the shower. Water was dripping everywhere. That's why there was a carpet right next to the shower. I dried myself off with the towel. Making sure I got most of the dripping water off me. Then wrapping the towel around my waste. Getting ready to head back to my room.

I teleported in front of my room door. Now I would just teleport right into my room so I don't have to be outside in the hallway with only a towel wrapped around me, but ol' Nighty had to put a spell barrier so no one can use their magic to enter any of our rooms. As a privacy purpose. But of corse, Nightmare can still get in with his magic, as he is the one who put the barriers up.
I put my hand on my door knob, twisting it, hearing a click as the door slid open easily. I entered through the door way into my room. I walked up to my closet, looking at all of the different turtle necks and hoodies I had. I took my classic blue hoodie with white fluff on the hood. Taking a black turtle neck T-shirt out as well. I opened one of the drawers, revealing shorts and pants. I took out a pair of white shorts, no stripe this this time, and a pair of boxers. Couldn't forget those. I unwrapped my towel, leaving me bare naked.

(I know you are probably imaging that right you horny ass.)

I slipped on my boxers, sliding on my shorts. Then putting my shirt over head, sliding into my shirt. My turtle neck over my face. Having to pull it down so I don't look like a complete idiot. Then lastly, putting on my hoodie. I looked at my clock. 6:04 am. There was going to be a meeting today at 6:30 am, so I had some time to spare. I'm sure everyone is still asleep, except for Nightmare. He's either up before all of us, or just never went to bed. He pulls off a lot of all nighters. Sometimes I find him past out on his desk from refusing to leave to get rest. Poor guy. I sit down on my bed, falling onto my back. Thinking on what to do.

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