Jisoo Realize Something Arc [3]

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Jisoo sat on the stairs leading to the closed rooftop door. No one could freely enter that place, and you know how sacred it would be when even Jisoo herself has never been able to barge into it.

But she found the place by the door to a potential school haven quite a nice place itself. Nobody ever comes by the roof door stair because- well, they can't really do anything in such a cramped place next to a locked door. You can only do so much there where two people could barely fit in.

Jisoo smiles, remembering about her business right before lunch. She had never brought anyone else to that place, not even her exes. It's not that she has a fond attachment to it, no. She thinks she simply had that place reserved for the best, and Jennie was simply like no other wom-

Jisoo shakes her head, blushing at the thoughts forming in her little pretty head. She puts both her palm on her face as if emphasize her disappointment in herself

She hadn't notice Jennie coming in as she was busy reprimanding her self thoughts for even having such atrocious claims like her friends do on the daily. As Jisoo was so immersed, Jennie took it upon herself to finally get the older's attention, leaning in close to her ear and giving a whisper

"Was my lunchbox really that embarrassing for you?"

Jisoo looks up to the person who had been the reason of her agony. She wasn't startled, as she had been expecting her in the first place, but she just had to came in at that time when she's lamenting about possibly being in l-

Jisoo scoots over, trying to shake off the thoughts in her head by patting the space she'd made for Jennie to sit. "Never thought you'd be interested to come here"

Jennie heaves a sigh. She'd been doing nothing but Student Council work for the past week, and the only relief she's had is when she's with Jisoo, much to the older's understanding. "The festival's next week so I'm really tired. I had to rush the last touches today so I can have a relaxing weekend before fighting tooth and nail to keep the festival a success" She says as she leans her back to the door. "Sorry Soo, as much as making out with you would sound nice right now, I'm too tired to even think about anything"

Jisoo blushes at the comment. They may have done nothing but kissing and touching for the past week, but they've never admitted something like that out loud (Jisoo realizes Jennie might've been THAT tired for her to just blurt it out without a second thought)

She pulls Jennie to her, gesturing to her lap "Lay your head here and give yourself a nap before you go back and stress yourself out over that entrance arc again" She offers while trying to humor her, to which Jennie giggled

"I don't know about a nap since its quite uncomfortable but I'll take you up on that offer" (Jisoo realizes Jennie's tired eyes had pulled strings in her heart)

"You've always been the diligent kid" She says, reminiscing. She remembers those times when Jisoo would make Jennie promise to come over for the weekend to play, and Jennie would do just that, except she'd bring a book to study most of the time. As much as Jisoo would love to recount those times with the Jennie she's with now, she didn't elaborate on it. (Jisoo realizes she's more sensitive about bringing up the past now that Jennie's with her) "You should spare yourself some slack sometimes" the older continues, making the younger groan

"Sorry I'm not like you who can be carefree yet still produce something incredible"

"That's not true. If I was, then I would have been allowed to run for student council right? I would've defeated you easily in this year's election. Maybe then you wouldn't be this stressed" she teases, but Jennie giggles instead

"And the demography of all your voters would have been the whole female student population" Jennie teases back

"Ohh~ going by that logic, are you saying you would have voted for me too?" Jisoo asks, half jokingly

Jennie stood up with a smirk, before grabbing Jisoo's chin, taking the older aback. The younger leans in for a quick peck, stood up, and left Jisoo alone with her mouth agape 

"I know you would've voted for me too anyway"

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