Jennie Knows SOME Things Arc [1]

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Jennie knew Jisoo notices a lot of things. For once, Jisoo didn't notice the way Jennie looked at her.

Jennie doesn't know when, but it probably started when Jisoo gave her a piece of chicken (Jisoo NEVER gave anyone her chicken)

But lets back up a bit.

Jennie's an only child. Her parents were always away on business, and she knew it was for her good. She was still a child but she understood it got her the roof above her head, a nice warm bed, and food on her table. She was the most understanding child anyone could ask for.

But that didn't stop her from wanting to feel special. She's always felt alone with no one to play with her, hence why she never had a reference point on what makes someone special. So when they moved in next door to the other Kims, she couldn't ask the world for anything else.

When Jisoo introduced herself to Jennie, she was awestruck. She's heard from her mom about this Jisoo who's the child of her parent's friends, but the stories weren't as interesting as the real deal.

Jisoo was bubbly. She was the light. She shines so bright that everybody just looks like a mere shadow in Jennie's eyes. She was everybody's friend. God, she had the smile that could break the laws of the universe, and if that's too much then her bright smile alone would've blinded Newton into not seeing the apple fall from the tree, rendering everything else that we know of today just obliterated by one smile from Kim Jisoo.

And Jennie felt very lucky to be able to spend every waking hour she has with Jisoo. They would go to school together, go home together, play together, sleep together, and God they were basically attached to the hip! Jennie at some point thought Jisoo's only doing all of that out of kindness, but she was later proven wrong

Jisoo on the other hand always seemed proud of her. Yes, Jennie would do well in tests here and there (she was the best in her grade. Maybe even 3 grades above her), but the amazement Jisoo gives her every time makes Jennie feel like maybe those tests really are as amazing as she says it is. There was also that time Jennie joined an art competition just for the incentive points. Jennie knew she wasn't exactly an art kid, so she wasn't shocked to see herself lose. But Jisoo begged to differ. The older swore Jennie's work was the best. She was super proud of it to the point she gifted Jennie a frame for it, convincing the younger to have it framed. And to little miss Jennie, it wasn't really hard for Jisoo to convince her.

They grew up a little more and Jennie knows she isn't special. She has no unique experiences in life. She still wanted to feel that way though. So when Jisoo once confessed to Jennie about actually being the biggest introvert and how she only did it to fit in and that nobody else knew about it, for the first time- Jennie felt special. Even more so when Jisoo reasoned she can know about it because she was her best friend.

And if that wasn't enough, the chicken thing happened.

It was on Jisoo's birthday, kids her age coming in to the party at Jisoo's house. A lot of them were Jisoo's friends, but barely any of them would be considered close with Jisoo the way Jennie is. There were lots of food, but there's one in particular that Jisoo has been hogging all to herself for the past weeks now out of sheer addiction: Korean Chicken.

That sweet, honey glazed fried chicken- having the perfect spice level that just has Jisoo coming back for more. Jisoo even took the whole tray for herself leaving the kids whining cuz who the hell doesn't love a good ol' Korean chick?! She'd never share it with anyone, not even her own mother who, aside form affording her that meal, is probably the person that Jisoo loved most.

So when Jisoo took two pieces in her hand and put them on Jennie's plate with a bright smile, Jennie knew something. Well, Jennie knows a lot of things, but the one thing she wasn't sure about- she knew then.

She was special.

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